Saving Private Ryan the story of a group of soldiers who are sent on a mission to find and bring home Private James Ryan, the last surviving brother of a family that has lost several sons in World War II. The film is notable for its intense and realistic portrayal of combat, and its exploration […]
Initial Substantive Posts: Your initial post should be substantive (approximately 200-300 words in length for each discussion). In your substantive post you are encouraged to use references (you may use your textbook); show evidence of critical thinking as it applies to the concepts. At least One reference on each discussion. 1. Personal Philosophy in the […]
Create a Pamphlet- An educational tool for an audience, reader-friendly, providing a bulk of information in a small space. From the chosen topic, Quadruple Aim of Healthcare responds in detail, addressing each of the questions. The pamphlet should be professional, include images, broken down into three columns. Three references listed within the past five years […]
APA format-7th Edition; follow instructions. Part 1: Define and contrast mechanical and chemical digestion. *2-3 paragraphs; 2-3 scholarly references Part 2: Prior to any surgical procedure, patients are asked a series of questions. Explain why each of the following need to be assessed when receiving general anesthesia: history of bad reaction to an anesthetic agent, […]
Discussion 1 Assessment Descriiption Choose a CNS, pain, inflammation, bone, or joint disorder, and briefly explain the pathophysiology of that disorder, and select a drug used to treat the disorder you identified. Share the mechanism of action of this medication and hints for monitoring, side effects, and drug interactions of which one should be aware. […]
Discussion 1 Assessment Descriiption Choose either a muscarinic agonist or antagonist agent and provide an appropriate indication for use. Share the mechanism of action of this medication and hints for monitoring, side effects, and drug interactions, including interactions with CAM, ethnic, cultural, and genetic differences. What other considerations need to be made when prescribing these […]
Discussion 1 Assessment Descriiption Depending on the board of nursing in your state, there may be additional requirements to become a prescriber after you complete your APRN program. For example, those who are being licensed/practicing in California are required to take an additional 3-hour pharmacology course for prescribing privileges. Describe the necessary steps required, for […]
Post a cohesive response to the following: • Explain whether COVID-19 has impacted the use or non-use of digital medicine. Be specific. • Explain how wearables, devices, and telehealth may contribute to Big Data. • What are some of the challenges you might have faced during implementation of digital medicine in your healthcare organization or […]
Search the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website for their joint statement on delegation. Review the Joint Statement on Delegation by the NCSBN and the ANA. Based on the sources above, name 3 things you can do to improve your delegation skills as a leader. Explain why these things will improve your skills […]
The purpose of this assignment is to discuss concepts of epidemiology and apply nursing theories and research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC websites, all located in the topic Resources, for assistance when completing this assignment. Choose a communicable disease topic from the resources mentioned above […]