Final Exam Social and Political Sciences 1) For Week 12 I asked you to choose a movie to watch from a Canadian filmmaker. Take that movie, whatever you chose, and a) discuss what course themes/concepts you see reflected in the film, and b) whether there is anything distinctly Canadian about the film. This question is […]
The One True Faith Social and Political Sciences 1. Is Faith-Based Activism a Constructive Force of Change Faith-based activism, like all other activism, stems from a need to reflect the teachings of faith in others and people’s environment. The activism is both a constructive force for change and extremely dangerous when applied irrationally against others. […]
Evaluation of Ethical Arguments Social and Political Sciences Directions In Unit 7 we’re learning how to evaluate ethical arguments. In discussion this week, you will practice the important skill of treating like cases alike. This does not assume that you will agree that the cases presented below are indeed alike. Rather this is an opportunity […]