Overview The purpose of this post is to better understand nursing theories and to determine how you can apply the Nightingale’s theory in practice. Initial Post Please respond to the following prompts: * To better understand nursing theories, create a brief timeline of the history of nursing theory. (This can be in outline/bullet format) * […]
Assignment Description: Write a 1500-2000 word APA formatted essay of the following topics: Discuss the pathophysiologic connection between asthma and allergies Discuss pathophysiology of lung cancer, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic tests What are the pathophysiologic changes in COPD and how does it differ from asthma? Discuss the use of oxygen therapy in patients with a […]
Data Breaches Attack Vectors I have identified the main attack vectors as: 1. Social Engineering _ Phishing 2. Web Application Attacks 3. System Intrusion – Malware used 4. Privilege Misuse – Insider attack or deliberate attack from internal employees with access to sensitive data. 5. User error – employees sending sensitive data by mistake For […]
Assessment Brief 2021/2022 (Replacing the examination) Module title Legal Aspects of Business CRN 35543 Level 5 Assessment title Coursework 2 Weighting within module This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark. Submission deadline date and time 4pm, 11th May 2022 How to submit You must submit 1 electronic copy of your assignment via […]
Post a brief introduction, including your current or previous role in nursing practice as a mental health Registered Nurse. Describe any previous experience with nursing research. Be specific. Then, explain any previous experience or familiarity with EBP and explain whether your current organization supports EBPThen, describe your prior experience or familiarity with EBP, as well […]
Irreplaceable History of Obsolete Tech Date With the rapid technological developments, many valuable files are lost to obsolescence. TV shows, documentary film footage Movies from decades ago exist in deteriorating formats that will soon become inaccessible sooner or later. Thus, the need for long-term solutions such as the development of digital vellum comes in handy […]
Fact Pattern on the 5th And 6th Amendments W6: Fact Pattern on the 5th & 6th Amendments A 19-year-old student, Sally, has been arrested by the police for possession of a small amount of marijuana while driving home from a college party. Assume that the police officer had probable cause to stop Sally for drunk […]
Topic Workplace environment issues (harassment) COURSE PROJECT EXPLANATION You will research a specific area of the law and prepare a paper discussing it. You are NOT expected to cover all aspects of your topic in comprehensive detail, but instead should focus your analysis on the practical impact of your legal topic on today’s business environment. […]
Discussion Question 5 Managing Groups and Teams Read the Teamwork Takes to the Sky case in Bauer and Erdogan, Chapter 9: Managing Groups and Teams Links to an external site.. https://open.lib.umn.edu/organizationalbehavior/part/chapter-9-managing-groups-and-teams/ Write a response or share a video answering the questions from the case: Would Robert Henderson’s strategy have worked if GE were manufacturing an entire plane […]
Cryptographic Tunneling Protocols Cryptographic tunneling is inherent in building any common virtual private network (VPN). Based on your understanding of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) model, what are the security effects of cryptographic tunneling? Provide input on the type of cryptographic tunneling protocols (e.g., L2TP, IPSEC, SSL, etc.) which may be used, the layer(s) of […]