APA format 1) Minimum 5 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph Bulleted responses are not accepted Don’t write in the first person Don’t copy and paste the questions. Answer […]
APA format 1) Minimum 5 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph Bulleted responses are not accepted Don’t write in the first person Don’t copy and paste the questions. Answer […]
Phil Week 8 DQR Nestor Avila Hello Class, Yes, we as humans should do more to ensure animals have basic rights as well. We have rights to avoid unjust suffering within our society. If animals are sentient like us, then why shouldn’t they have the same right as we do? In 1966. the U.S. Department […]
1. Week 8 Assignment – Creating a Marketing Plan Introduction “Entrepreneurs must determine what to sell, to whom and how often, on what terms and at what price, and how to get the product or service to the customer. In short, a marketing plan identifies a company’s target customers and describes how it will attract […]
You have chosen a country for the Walmart Case Study. International Logistics Services (ILS) has acquired a new warehouse and truck fleet in your selected country and within the vicinity of one or more Walmart stores. The newly acquired warehouse has 100 employees. The new director for logistics services (DLS) plans to address all the […]
While psychological disorders still have a stigma, steps have been taken by some individuals to help others understand the disorders a little better. For example, photographer John William Keedy captured images to express anxiety disorders, OCD, and varied neuroses in “Photos Reveal What It’s Like to Have Anxiety Issues.” Review “What It’s Like to Have […]
Discussion 8 (PSY 249) Reminder: Don’t forget to cite in both your original post and your reply for max credit * Reminder to use the DSM 5 for diagnostic requirements when discussing a disorder. All posts require data to support your views for max credit 1.What do you think are the contributing factors to the […]
Discussion Chapters 9 (PSY 249) 2 posts required with in text citations * Reminder to use the DSM 5 for diagnostic requirements when discussing a disorder. All posts require data to support your views for max credit 1. Some people feel that our society has become obsessed with thinness. What are three distinctly different types […]
Discussion 1 (400 words) Locate an article or review the website WebMD Sexual Health Center . Examine a chronic condition impacting sexual function. Discuss the possible effects the chronic condition might or will have on sexual expression. What treatment or support options are available to a person who has this chronic condition? What social or […]
Module 09 Discussion – Disaster Planning for Your Unit Discussion Topic Top of Form Directions: Disaster Planning for Your Unit You are a nurse manager in charge of developing a disaster plan for your unit. As the manager, you will need to include the influential agencies, stakeholders, and the roles of the nurses in disasters. […]