Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder Debate DQ 5 Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder Debate DQ 5 Some debate in the literature exists specific to whether or not bipolar disorder can be diagnosed in childhood. While some have anecdotally argued that it is not possible for children to develop bipolar disorder (as normal features of childhood confound the […]
DQ: Patient’s wishes for medical care Directions*** week 9 and 10 are separate assignments and each need their own reference list. At least 2 references requires for each week. APA format. No certain page requirement as long as it covers the topics Week 9 Journal An advance directive is a legal document that defines a […]
Assignment 5: Promoting Safety And Quality Assignment 5: Promoting Safety And Quality Throughout your education, patient safety and improving the quality of patient care have been examined. Through numerous readings and media pieces, you have heard about Never Events. These are serious and costly medical errors that are preventable, such as wrong-side surgery, medication errors, […]
Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review DQ Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review DQ Paper type ;Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review Paper format; APA Course level; Master Subject Area;Nursing # pages; 2 ( or 600 words Minimum) Spacing Double Spacing # sources 1 Paper Details Assignment Content Conduct a search of the literature for qualitative studies on […]
Cost Of The Healthcare Workforce Essay 7 350-word article that evaluates the cost of the health care workforce. Your article should: Identify three key drivers of labor costs within a specific health care service, facility, or other health sector-related occupation (e.g., labor supply, productivity improvement, technology, or personnel benefit design) Evaluate current industry solutions or […]
Clinical Judgment and Practice Excellence HW 7 Clinical Judgment and Practice Excellence HW 7 Synthesize components of practice excellence, clinical judgment, and personal knowing as a foundation for complex client care and lifelong learning. Transferable Skills Communication – Displaying capability in writing, reading, and oral communication; understanding of non‐verbal language. Critical Thinking – Improving thinking, […]
Assignment 7 Practicum: Decision Tree Assignment 7 Practicum: Decision Tree Childhood psychosis is extremely rare; however, children that present with psychosis must be carefully assessed and evaluated with appropriate interviewing of parent, child, and use of assessment tools. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how […]
Assignment 4: Nursing negligence Assignment 4: Nursing negligence Read this article: Austin, S. (2011). Stay out of court with proper documentation. Nursing, 41(4), 24-30. Of the four elements that must be proven to determine negligence, do you think that any of them is harder to prove than others? If you have ever come close to […]
Clinical Judgment and Practice Excellence HW 7 Clinical Judgment and Practice Excellence HW 7 Synthesize components of practice excellence, clinical judgment, and personal knowing as a foundation for complex client care and lifelong learning. Transferable Skills Communication – Displaying capability in writing, reading, and oral communication; understanding of non‐verbal language. Critical Thinking – Improving thinking, […]
IOM Future Of Nursing Report And Nursing HW 5 IOM Future Of Nursing Report And Nursing HW 5 Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions […]