Adapted from Macionis, John. 2012. “Thinking About Diversity Race, Class, and Gender. Schooling in the United States: Savage Inequality (adapted from Kozol (1992:85-88, 92-96) Pp. 473 in Sociology 14th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Schooling in the United States: Savage Inequalities “Public School 261?” Head down Jerome Avenue and look for the mortician’s office.” Off for […]
STAT 134 Mini Project Rubric 1 Introduction In this semester, one mini-project of writing a 2-3 page report will be assigned. The objective of this mini-project is to deepen your understanding of the class material, and to give you a sense of how the class materials can be applied to real-world problems. 6 topics will […]
Introduction to American Government Short Writing Assignments Instructions During the course of the semester, students are required to submit a short writing assignment in which you summarize and analyze a newspaper article on a political issue. The Short Writing Assignment will be 20% of the course grade. Students have access to newspapers online through Proquest […]
Research Paper Prepare a short research paper of approximately five (5) pages, double-spaced, inclusive table of contents, and (1) page of bibliography. This paper must include Introduction paragraph, an Analysis paragraph, and a Conclusion. Any citations will need to be included as in-text citations. The paper must : • Meets the needs of the reader […]
Reply to: When it comes to scholarly journals, the terms peer-reviewed and refereed are interchangeable (Svoboda., 2022). The process of peer-review involves evaluating the ideas and agreements in a manuscript or other work by professionals working in the same field (Dunn & Halonen, 2020). Prior to publication, peer-reviewed/referred journals undergo an extremely critical and rigorous […]
a1. Use CREATE statement to create a table Client (ClientName, phone). Note ClientName is primary key and you must define this primary key in CREATE statement. Show the statement. a2. Use INSERT statement to add two client records into Client table (make up your own data for clients). Show the INSERT statements and use select […]
Please write 1-2 page answer to the discussion questions for the case Redbox, Discussion questions for Case Redbox and Chapter 9 Cooperative Strategies: 1. What are the challenges Redbox is facing now? What’s Redbox’s core competency, if any? What strategies do you recommend Redbox to take to deal with these challenges? Based on your analysis […]
Mid-Point Proposal and The Final Project Presentation Midpoint Proposal and The Final Project Presentation A student should focus on the subject matter from the text that interested them the most, then develop a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted at the end of class. The first slide should be your Introduction slide, the next 10-15 […]
Reply to: Scholars or specialists within that specific field write scholarly journals to collaborate with other researchers or professionals in that subject or area. These publications provide concepts and theories, scientific data, and other information, all while keeping readers up to date on advances in that topic or study. Key identifiers are that they are […]
To prepare for the Assignment: • Review this week’s Learning Resources. • Review the Case of Devon in this week’s Learning Resources. • Download the Diagnostic Conceptualization Template from the media. • Review the handout, Jane: Diagnostic Conceptualization Example, provided in Week 3 to review the appropriate information to include in each section of the […]