APA 7 FORMAT SHOULD ONLY BE USED NO PLAGIARISM ALLOWED PLEASE NO INTERNET SOURCES SUCH AS WIKI, COURSEHERO SCHOLARLY SOURCES WITHIN 5 YEARS SHOULD ONLY BE USED. Support your Assignment with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach […]
Assignment 1: Blog: Assessing for Development, Emerging Knowledge, Intervention, and Modification: Using Assistive Technology Consider that learning disabilities can be mild to severe, but there is no doubt that learning is hindered when appropriate measures are not taken to support learning. As technology improves, so does instruction and support for learners via technology, including assistive […]
AUTOETHNOGRAPHY As a human being, one will always find him or herself interacting with people at different levels and situations, however, in as much as the intentions that one has when it comes to interacting with people with the knowledge that all people are diverse (Dill & Zambrana, 2020). There are always instances that do […]
Activity 2: Examine sustainable resourcing in commercial kitchens and the implications this has for developing a sustainable supply chain: -Introduction to sustainable food : —————————————————————————————————————- ————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————- 1- Discuss the characteristics of ethically and sustainably produced food the characteristics of ethically and sustainably produced food: o Understanding fair trade: o Animal welfare friendly: […]
Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response addressing the two questions in one posting response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response). Chapter 9- After Conviction: The Problem of Prison- Select Two Question Below: 1. Based on what you learned about the different rationales for punishment […]
Part 3: Critique and Evaluation of Psychoeducational Assessment Data- 15 points Based on our lens of the needs of Bilingual students, discuss the reliability, validity, authenticity, and washback of the data. Does the data communicate a realistic picture of the student’s abilities and needs? Discuss strong points and weak points of the assessment tools, data […]
Integrated Case Project This project will test your knowledge in the areas of insurance, retirement plans and estate planning. Please use what we’ve discussed during the semester to formulate your answers. Here are the facts of the case. At a minimum, please answer the questions found at the end of the case. If you’d like […]
Topic Reduce the rate of death from any cause in adults with diabetes — D‑09 Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence-based intervention Gathering the Evidence Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2030, visit South’s Online Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing […]
Assignment 2: Appropriate and Responsible Practices Looking back over this course, much information has been presented showing not only the importance of assessment in early childhood, but how assessment can foster healthy development and guide teaching and learning. Throughout the course, you have selected specific assessments for specific purposes and specific age groups. You have […]
JACKSON’S FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT Child with Problem Behavior(s): Jackson Date of Interview: 9/25 Age: 4 Yrs* Mos Sex: M* F Interviewer: Lise Respondent(s): Carey A. Describe the Behavior(s) 1. What are the behaviors of concern? For each, define how it is performed, how often it occurs per day, week, or month, how long it lasts […]