Assignment 13: Topics of mental health and bullying. You have been asked to create a professional development presentation for early childhood educators on the topics of mental health and bullying. Within your presentation include: 1- A child’s social-emotional developmental milestones and worldview for ages K-3. 2- The effect of stress and the environment on the […]
ADD or ADHD Essay Week 9 Write a 750-1,000 word review of a website about ADD or ADHD. You will write this review for the general public, so you might target a particular publication, such as a student or local newspaper or one of the national magazines. This will help you anticipate what your readers […]
Assignment 14: Code of ethics for nurses Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, 4-5 […]
Assignment 14: Nursing education and positive patient outcomes Discuss the correlation between nursing education and positive patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research. Assignment 9: Healthcare spending Baring everyone has equal access to […]
Assignment 14: Effective health communication. Assignment Details: Each day you are exposed to many different forms of health communication. Health communications and the health information within may come in the form of factsheets, brochures, or websites. To be an effective health communication tool, it is important that the information in such materials is correct and […]
DQ 14: Effective best practices that help patient outcomes Respond to yours classmate in not more than 250 words Research is very critical in nursing practice as it helps come up with effective best practices that help patient outcomes (Augustine, 2016). And, it is the basic reason to be in this class to learn how […]
DQ 15: Preventing infection in a clinical setting Benchmark – Capstone Change Project Objectives Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Below each objective, provide a […]
Assignment 14: Positive patient outcome. Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address […]
DQ 13: Financing and delivery of health care Provide a thorough analysis of managed care, and discuss how it, as a delivery method, has facilitated the transfer of health services to outpatient and other nontraditional settings of care. Give a thorough analysis of managed care and talk about how it has made it easier to […]
Assignment 14: Leadership team at the long-term care Imagine your leadership team at the long-term care facility has identified mentoring and mentorship as a key initiative for the organization. They want your management team to develop a plan for a new mentorship program. Your team has been charged with developing a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to […]