Assignment 4: Clinical Hour and Patient Logs Assignment Instructions: • I need 16 small individual psychotherapy clinical notes (one paragraph), each note should include: CC, small mental status, and progress achieved during the visit. Please review the below example, doesn’t have to exactly as the example but close enough. • Student Notes- Students must include […]
Initial Psychiatric SOAP Note Template There are different ways in which to complete a Psychiatric SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) Note. This is a template that is meant to guide you as you continue to develop your style of SOAP in the psychiatric practice setting. Criteria Clinical Notes Informed Consent Informed consent given to […]
Week 9 Shadow Health Comprehensive SOAP Note Template Patient Initials: _______ Age: _______ Gender: _______ SUBJECTIVE DATA: Chief Complaint (CC): History of Present Illness (HPI): Medications: Allergies: Past Medical History (PMH): Past Surgical History (PSH): Sexual/Reproductive History: Personal/Social History: Health Maintenance: Immunization History: Significant Family History: Review of Systems: General: HEENT: Respiratory: Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: Gastrointestinal: […]
Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland HW 7 Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland HW 7 Using the classroom resources or Online Library, research the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, address each of the following criteria. Two focused health assessment histories One assessment related […]
Principles Specific To The Advanced Practice Role Principles Specific To The Advanced Practice Role Identify and articulate advanced assessment health history and physical examination techniques which are relevant to a focused body system (CO 1) Differentiate normal and abnormal findings with regard to a disease or condition that impacts the body system (CO 2) Adapt […]
Advanced Practice Role – Nursing DQ 4 Identify and articulate advanced assessment health history and physical examination techniques which are relevant to a focused body system (CO 1) Differentiate normal and abnormal findings with regard to a disease or condition that impacts the body system (CO 2) Adapt advanced assessment skills if necessary to suit […]
Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland WK 9 Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland WK 9 Using the classroom resources or Online Library, research the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, address each of the following criteria. Two focused health assessment histories One assessment related […]
Assessing Neurological Symptoms Essay 7 Assessing Neurological Symptoms Essay 7 Imagine not being able to form new memories. This is the reality of patients with anterograde amnesia face. Although this form of amnesia is rare, it can result from severe brain trauma. Anterograde amnesia demonstrates just how impactful brain disorders can be to a patient’s […]
Assignment: Focused SOAP Note for Schizophrenia Spectrum Assignment: Focused SOAP Note for Schizophrenia Spectrum Psychotic disorders change one’s sense of reality and cause abnormal thinking and perception. Patients presenting with psychotic disorders may suffer from delusions or hallucinations or may display negative symptoms such as lack of emotion or withdraw from social situations or relationships. […]
Assignment 5: Acute Myocardial Infarction Assignment 5: Acute Myocardial Infarction Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. Soap Note Rubric: (Student Name) Miami Regional University Date of Encounter: Preceptor/Clinical Site: Clinical Instructor: Soap Note # 1 Main Diagnosis: Acute Myocardial Infarction PATIENT INFORMATION Name: Age: Gender at Birth: Gender Identity: Source