Case 3: A 38-year-old artist has smoked since she was 18 years old. She has noticed a mild, occasionally productive cough for the past few months. On a recent trip to the mountains, she developed shortness of breath that caused her to be nauseated. She has had no fever or chills. Her medical history includes […]
Create a PowerPoint presentation highlighting one free, consumer-directed mobile health application or wearable device stated to help improve chronic health issues or population health management. Using guidance found in readings this week and the Health IT Safety Center recommendations diagram in Chapter 25 as the framework for consideration, determine appropriateness of the selected application for […]
Select a person from a cultural group different from your own. You may choose a patient, friend, or work colleague. For the sake of confidentiality, do not reveal the name of the person you interview; use only initials. In your paper, include the following: A complete cultural assessment using the 12 domains from the Purnell […]
Reflect on your current knowledge of the Nurse Practice Act in your state (NEW YORK) or review your acts, rules, and regulations by going to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing at How familiar are you with your state’s Nurse Practice Act? What did you learn that you didn’t know before today? […]
Topic Preventing Central line-associated bloodstream infections in an Adult intensive care unit PICO Question: Among adults in the intensive care unit, does the implementation of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) bundle intervention prevent or reduce associated bloodstream infection compared to patients without CLABSI bundle?” : Write an Annotated Bibliography ▪ An annotated bibliography is the […]
Online Interactions Online interactions through social networking, web browsing and email poses risks and threats to all servers when used by employees. There are steps that need to be followed for defenses from online interaction risk when an employee reports clicking on a website that was sent to their email. The following are step that […]
Pinterest’s Big Data Terms Information Systems, strategy success, and failures – Use of Information Systems as a strategic purposes – Restrict research to articles between 2015 thru 2020 -Backup comments with a reference and citation. Pick a company that used an information system for STRATEGIC purposes. Please be sure to tell us what the strategy […]
History of the court This is the Supreme Court Historical Society. On this website, on the left menu (next to the picture of the current justices), click on History of the Court. It lists all of the different time periods since the original Jay Court (they are named after the sitting Chief Justice). Choose 5 […]
Immigration and Sanctuary Laws Each student is required to complete a research paper on a current issue facing law enforcement leaders. I have chosen the topic of Immigration and Sanctuary Laws. Immigration and Sanctuary Laws Introduction Recently, sanctuary and immigration policies have caught the attention of policy debates within the U.S. These laws relate to […]
The Impact of Techno-Stress on Role Stress and Productivity: The Case of Qatar ABSTRACT In the recent past, the workplace environment has experienced huge changes due to the increased adoption of information technology and the resulting digital transformation. However, this development also poses a great danger to organizations and their workforce through the abuse, misuse, […]