Honeypots and Hackers What impact would more open ports have on the ability of your honeypot to attract hackers? Can hackers tell that you have a honeypot running? Do they have honeypots for spammers to keep them from harvesting emails from your webpages? Do you think law enforcement agencies (e.g., CIA, FBI, and NSA) in […]
Juvenile Delinquency In America All homework assignment must be written in an academic tone. You are not to write in the first person. Instead you need to use third person. Remember, an academic essay is not to be written like you are having a casual conversation with your friends. Do not include slang or foul […]
Types of Network Attacks Summarize common networking attacks. -DoS (Reflective, amplified, distributed) -Social engineering -Insider threat -Logic bomb -Rogue access point -Evil twin -War-driving -Phishing -Ransomware -DNS poisoning -Brute force -Exploits vs. Vulnerabilities Cite all sources using the IEEE format. Types of Network Attacks Introduction With the advent of technology, internet use is gaining popularity […]
Clara is a 35-year-old female who has a five week history of epigastric pain that is worse after she eats. The pain is minimally relieved by Mylanta or burping. She has come to your office for evaluation and your initial impression is gastritis. What is your recommendation and treatment plan? What clinical guidelines support your decision and why? This is […]
Module 5 and 6 Discussion: Western Medicine and Diverse Healing Practices Directions: Some components of western medicine are melorism, dominance over nature, activism, timeliness, therapeutic aggression, future orientation and standardization. For this assignment, select a culture that is represented in your workplace or one in a prior workplace. Based on the information in Modules 5 […]
Case 3: A 38-year-old artist has smoked since she was 18 years old. She has noticed a mild, occasionally productive cough for the past few months. On a recent trip to the mountains, she developed shortness of breath that caused her to be nauseated. She has had no fever or chills. Her medical history includes […]
Changing clinical practice or staff behavior can be challenging. Please describe Lewin’s Theory of Change. Give an example where you or organization used this theory to implement change. Was the change successful or unsuccessful? Why? Include change theory elements in your rationale. If the change was unsuccessful, what could the organization have done differently (include […]
This week we have explored hygiene practices, infection, and asepsis. Review the material covered in the required readings and provide a minimum of five key points about one of the key content areas covered that are listed below. Hygiene Infection control Asepsis Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references […]
The media portray many images of nursing, some favorable and some unfavorable. Does media portrayal of nursing affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures? Why or why not? Think about nursing stereotypes and discuss the ways you can influence the public image of nursing. Discuss the various roles nurses can play that support the […]
Health IT is quickly taking over healthcare and is the driving force for the future of the medical field. Some examples of Health IT are Electronic Health Records (EHR), Telehealth , Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA), Healthcare .gov, and the list goes on. For this paper, find something in the Health […]