NURS6531 Week 6 Assignment: – NURS6531 Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Life SpanWeek 6 Assignment Practicum Experience – Episodic SOAP Note #2 After completing this week’s Practicum Experience, reflect on a patient who presented with abdominal pain. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. All SOAP […]
GCU NUR699 Full Course Latest 2020 September GCU NUR699 Full Course Latest:- NUR699 Evidence Based Practice ProjectWeek 1 Discussion- DQ1 Explain the difference between research- and evidence-based practice projects. Provide an example of each one and the reason for the difference. Why should nurses be interested in learning about evidenced-bases practice? DQ2 Discuss what strategies […]
Walden NURS6531 Week 10 Assignment Latest NURS6531 Week 10 Assignment:- NURS6531 Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Life Span Week 10 Assignment Practicum Experience – Journal Entry To follow up on this course’s Practicum Experience, address the following in your Practicum Reflective Journal: Select and describe a nursing theory that was used to guide […]
Rasmussen NUR2868 Module 5 Discussion Latest Rasmussen NUR2868 Module 5 Discussion Latest : NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 5 Discussion Intuition vs. Experience in Nursing Your discussion post is to answer this question: What do you think nursing contributes to health care? How can a robotic system incorporate the clinical […]
GCU NUR699 Week 6 Assignment Latest:- NUR699 Evidence Based Practice ProjectWeek 6 Assignment – Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Part E: Evaluation Plan. In 750-1,000 words, discuss an evaluation plan to measure the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria, making sure your evaluation plan is comprehensive and concise: Propose evaluation methods […]
Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Part D: Implementation Plan The purpose of this assignment is to examine the elements associated with implementing an evidence-based intervention. In 1,000-1250 words, discuss the following aspects of implementation and explain how they apply to your proposed project. Part A: Apply an evidence-based practice (EBP) model or change model to […]
Nursing III Module 1 Discussion – Cancer Treatment Options Mrs. Williams is a 27-year-old female diagnosed with breast cancer. She is currently in pharmacy school. She does not have children, but hopes to have them someday. She has been tested and has a genetic predisposition for this disease. What treatment options does she have? What […]
Rasmussen NUR2058 2020 September Module 7 Assignment Latest Rasmussen NUR2058 2020 September Module 7 Assignment Latest:- NUR2058 Dimensions of Nursing Practice Module 7 Assignment – Researching for Evidence For this written assignment, select one recent (within the past two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an […]
Rasmussen NUR2058 2020 September Module 1 Assignment Latest:- NUR2058 Dimensions of Nursing Practice Module 1 Assignment Legacy of Nursing’s History Select a nurse that historically contributed to the advancement of the profession. Write a 2-3 page paper that responds to the following questions. Identify the nurse and his/her background and complete the following: Provide a […]
Module 9 Assignment Latest Rasmussen NUR2058 2020 September Module 9 Assignment Latest Rasmussen NUR2058 2020 September Module 9 Assignment Latest: NUR2058 Dimensions of Nursing Practice Module 9 Assignment Technology Awareness Assessment For this writing assignment, complete the Information Technology Self-Assessment Tool. When completed review and determine at least three new goals you would like to […]