Assessment 1 Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c. Value: 20% Word Count – 1800 (Plus Minus 10% is acceptable […]
Assessment 2: Case Study-2 Due date: Week 11 Group/individual: Individual Word count / Time provided: 2000 words Weighting: 30% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-3, ULO-4, ULO-5 Course Learning Outcomes: CLO-1, CLO-4, CLO-6, CLO-7, CLO-8 Assessment Details: This assessment is designed to assess students’ technical skills in planning and configuring a computer network. In addition, it develops […]
Medicine Topic: The further executives work away from the front lines the less decisions making they should have involving staffing
ITECH1100 – Understanding the Digital Revolution Assessment Task – Video and Disruption Report Overview For this assessment task, you will create a written proposal and video about the impact of a particular technology on an industry or field. The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your big-picture thinking, and to explore various […]
GENERAL: Below is the scenario tto gain an idea of why/what/how etc. DETAILS/SCENARIO: You are part of a management consultant team at the most successful and overpaid consulting firm. You have been employed by a Senior Manager of Company X (Company X could be a café, restaurant, a bank or part of the retail industry) […]
The app 1. The app needs to have three buttons and a health level, as shown below. You are very welcome to customise the labels and points, as long as your report clearly states this (see step 5 for why you might like to do this). Set the initial health level to 10. Every sneeze […]
Victorian Institute of Technology CRICOS Provider No. 02044E, RTO No: 20829 1 MITS5003 Wireless Networks and Communication Semester 2 2020 ASSESSMENT GUIDE Victorian Institute of Technology CRICOS Provider No. 02044E, RTO No: 20829 2 Assessment overview Assessments Overview Weight Due date Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) Assessment 1: Case Study and Presentation In this […]
CSCI322 ASSIGNMENT 1 – DUE BY 23:59 FRIDAY 04/09 Task 1: User management A company has set up a new site and transfer staff and visitor accounts to the new site. Your task is to write a Bash script to create user accounts for all staff and visitors. The supplied user file Usernames.txt is a […]
Please view Lecture 7: Roman Science and read – Mary Beagon, The Elder Pliny on the Human Animal: Natural History, Book 7 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), pp 1-39; Part II. The Report In an essay of 300-350 words discuss: – Read (skim) pages 1-39 of Beagon’s work, and then select a passage/entry from […]
PSY3800 Introduction to Psychological Testing and Assessment SU01 Consider the following scenario: Two psychologists observe a student with attention problem to determine the percentage of time the student spends on a task in the classroom. They mark the student every ten seconds as either on the task or off the task. At the end of […]