This week you were introduced to several decision-making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis (Decision Matrix Analysis – Leadership & Management Training ( along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video (Decision Matrix Analysis – YouTube) , make the following decisions relative to the case study about Euro Disneyland (p. 262): < […]
Instructions Read the assigned chapters of the Heike, then participate in our discussion of the text. You have been randomly assigned to small discussion groups, and should plan on posting your initial response to our discussion outlined below by Tues before midnight. Plan to return to the discussion later and respond at least 2 more […]
Poject Management Spring Semester 2022 (PMAN 637) 1. The mid-term is an open book exam. No discussion with your team or class members. 2. When quoting a reference, use proper APA style citations (Author, Year of publication, page#) Cite only references from our course readings, sessions 1-6. 3. Put your name on an MS Word […]
Whether or not you’re a criminal justice major, it is important that you know your rights as a citizen. Although I’ve been in law enforcement for over thirty years, I’ll be the first to admit there are many officers who aren’t fully versed in the law and your rights, and unfortunately, they will try to […]
List 5 risk factors for gestational diabetes (GDM). What is the diet treatment? How is treating GDM different than regular DM? Name 2 physiological age-related changes that affect cognitive functioning. Complex carbohydrates do not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose when eaten in small amounts. Identify 5 foods from this group. You are preparing […]
Prompt In a cover letter of 350-400 wor/ds, reflect on how you have developed as a reader and writer this semester. Comment on your greatest successes and/or challenges. Reference specific readings, assignments, or concepts that furthered your thinking on a matter or helped you to improve your reading and writing. Consider at least one area […]
Mod10 Discussion – Ethical Issue Clinical Judgment Case Scenario Discussion Topic Directions: Ethical Issue Clinical Judgment Case Scenario Nurse leaders and managers are responsible for the unit’s ethical and legal decisions. Initial Post Consider the examples provided below and describe how you would handle the experiences. • A manager is not granting pay to someone […]
8210 Discussion 1: The Logic of Inference: The Science of Uncertainty All models are wrong. Some models are useful. —George E. P. Box (1919–2013) Statistician Describing and explaining social phenomena is a complex task. Box’s quote speaks to the point that it is a near impossible undertaking to fully explain such systems—physical or social—using a […]
Develop a realistic retirement-planning simulation model for your personal situation. If you are currently employed, use as much information as you can gather for your model, including potential salary increases, promotions, contributions, and rates of return based on the actual funds in which you invest. If you are not employed, try to find information about […]
Persuasion Presentation and Script You will be asked to make a presentation on a topic that showcase learnings during the course and especially illustrates aspects of persuasion and positive influence. This exercise must demonstrate your conviction through principles of persuasion. It is expected that you follow the Leader’s Script with and expression of your personal […]