Questions and Solutions posted below Solve the 2.1 case as shown in solution using formula. Automobile Alliance, a large automobile manufacturing company, organizes the vehicles it manufactures into three families: a family of trucks, a family of small cars, and a family of midsized and luxury cars. One plant outside Detroit, Michigan, assembles two models […]
TOPIC: Schizophrenia SUBJECT: Psychology TYPE: Research Paper DESCRIPTION: Schizophrenia The paper must be at least three-four full typewritten pages (double-spaced, Times Roman, 12 font) with an additional reference and title page in APA style. The paper must utilize at least four scholarly sources from the college databases and/or the sources listed under the Bibliography section […]
TOPIC: The practice of self- cultivation SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Term Paper DESCRIPTION: Almost all of the texts assigned in Part I of this course have distinct discussions of ritual. Select ONE of these texts and choose ONE passage that you believe represents your selected text’s understanding of ritual. Analyze the passage in detail, […]
TOPIC: Spiritual Health SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Coursework DESCRIPTION: Spiritual Health Assessment Presentation Grading Rubric The purpose of this assignment is for the student to collaborate within a team in preparing a presentation on nursing spiritual assessment, activities that promote spiritual health, patient focused care, and care planning. Read all chapters in Taylor: Chapter […]
TOPIC: Religion Paper #2 SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Research Paper DESCRIPTION: Topic: Wicca Length: 1500 words Format: Typed, double-spaced (one side of sheet only), in 12 point font Citation style: MLA Minimum number of sources used: 4 Citations: all sources must be cited within the text in proper format Works cited page: not part […]
TOPIC: The Relation of Ethics to Religion SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Research Paper DESCRIPTION: examining in some depth a question related to Christian ethics. It can take the form of a theological analysis of a particular issue in ethical theory or theological ethics
TOPIC: Aurobindo- Hinduism SUBJECT: Religion and Theology DESCRIPTION: Only source that should be used: World Religions Today (5th Edition) by John L. Esposito, Darrell J. Fasching & Todd T. Lewis On p. 322 of World Religions Today there is a quotation from Sri Aurobindo about what he characterizes as the “entire aim of yoga.” Explain […]
TOPIC: JUST AN OUTLINE Mere Theology SUBJECT: Teacher’s Career TYPE: Coursework DESCRIPTION: This is just an outline not a paper YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THE BOOK!!! “Mere Theology” by Will Vaus. It is available as an eBook and on google books. Using this book, create four descriptive (not merely a skeleton) suboutlines one big […]
TOPIC: Revival and church planting- and princip SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Thesis / Dissertation DESCRIPTION: Read the required text available 4 dissertation for each book sign the student will write a two to three page synopsis of key Concepts found in each book a minimum of three books select three texts from the list […]
TOPIC: Middleton’s New Heaven and Earth review SUBJECT: Religion and Theology TYPE: Book / Movie Review DESCRIPTION: A 1000 word review of middleton’s A new Heaven and A new earth . the review should do the following : 1. State the central idea or thesis in own words 2. For each chapter in the book, […]