Prepare a research journal write-up in a Word Document to be submitted to a Drop Box. Provide a direct link or scan the actual journal article and submit it with the write-up. The direct link may be placed on the reference sheet. Use a recent research Journal Article (2013-2016). The first part of the write-up […]
Complete the video activity at the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Partnering to Heal on infection control practices for clinicians, health professional students, and patient advocates. Link: Reflect on your personal experiences or thoughts regarding the individual scenarios. Are you able to identify modes of transmission and implement interventions better with these […]
Write a paper and discuss the following. Identify your family as “Family A” – Complete a family assessment. – State identifying data-people in family and ages e.g. mother age 53( no family name or address or phone number) Identify family as family A. – Identify family cultural background, religious identification. – Discuss the developmental stage […]
I am in nursing school, and we doing our clinicals at x Nursing Home. Below is the list of activities we did when we get there, writer can do research and write more. we were 5 in numbers, we got there at exactly 8:00 am. we were greeted by the LPN who was in charge […]
Step 1.) Address at least 3-4 of the question prompts below for the specific research method being evaluated (Geographic information Systems): Reason/purpose of this approach Basic assumptions underlying Example of the approach What are its strengths What drawbacks/cautions, etc. Type of sampling often used Nature of data collected Can use of the method lead to: […]
Nursing 420: Synthesis for Nursing Practice Synthesis Paper COURSE DESCRIPTION: This capstone course allows the student to focus on synthesizing knowledge acquired throughout the curriculum. Opportunities to develop personal and professional strategies to make the transition from student to baccalaureate nurse will be offered. Accountability and preparation for critical reasoning as part of the health […]
For this assignment you are to write a 3-4 page paper (excluding the title and reference page) in proper APA style. Please do not exceed 4 pages for the paper. Grading will cease at the end of page 4. To earn full credit for this assignment you will need to address all the items in […]
Using the Nelson Data to Wisdom continuum model as the framework for discussion, provide specific examples of how the typical functionality found in a clinical system such as an EHR meets these levels and explain how the levels and functionality apply to the professional practice of nursing. All references used to support work should be […]
Evaluate and complete the QSEN safety checklist and the top 3 safety concerns plan of care table on that patient. This is followed by a summary paper. The document should be double spaced and follow APA format. APA format also requires grammatical correctness, absence of spelling errors, and explanations of abbreviations. The document should include both in text citations and references. Submissions are thoughtful, […]
1. A nurse is providing care for a client with seizures. Identify three (3) seizure precautions the nurse should implement for this client. Suggested Fundamental Learning Activity: Client Safety 2. List four (4) reasons a nurse should use a gait belt when ambulating a client. 3. Describe two (2) priority nursing considerations for a client […]