While it has always existed, bullying and cyberbullying has become a major problem in middle childhood and adolescence. I have included a great resource regarding this topic. Take a moment to look over some of the items on the website. After viewing the website, reading this week’s material, and reflecting on your own experiences, create […]
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Human service professionals are expected by the NOHS Ethical Standards to advocate for social justice. In this project, you will be researching contemporary social justice issues and choosing one as a focus on your project. After describing the issue and its impact on the affected population, you will create a plan of advocacy to eradicate […]
Patty plaintiff’s really bad week | LEG100 | Strayer University–Online Patty Plaintiff’s Bad Week | LEG100 | Strayer University–Online Assignment Due Week 7 Worth 280 points In this task, you must assess whether Patty Plaintiff has any legal claims due to a sequence of mishaps. After reading the story, answer the questions below, explaining your […]
Case Study Paper 1 Start Assignment For this assignment, select and study a case of a morally questionable or clearly immoral business practice and write a ~3 page (double spaced) summary that includes: 1. What happened? 2. Who was at fault? 3. What legal repercussions followed? 4. Who ultimately was harmed and who benefited, if […]
Discussion Topic #1 Harassment in the Workplace https://learn.umgc.edu/content/enforced/623951-005302-01-2222-OL1-6381/hr_video.mp4?_&d2lSessionVal=zlz8PLGhyjgoWrdcmhCngPdEz This morning the Boss entered your office and told you that he wanted you to prepare a termination for an employee, John. He said that he just found out that John was previously Jane and that this knowledge ate at the core of his religious beliefs and […]
Capital Budgeting Projects Capital projects are large undertakings (in both time and monetary resources) for government entities and require special analysis and consideration. Find an example of a capital project in your city, county, or state to share in this discussion forum. Explain the capital project and discuss the project you highlight in relation to […]
I have an article and 3 videos for you to reference for the material. Then you have two questions to answer. ONE PAGE requirement. 12 point TNR, double space Shippers Struggle with Holiday Deliveries 1. How important is it for a 3PL carrier to have an on-time delivery rate comparable to their industry rivals? —-((My […]
Introduction to Biology Cells 2 Jan. 24 – 30 Cell Division Jan. 30 UnEssay: Project Topic and Format Due 3 Jan. 31 – Feb. 6 Sexual Reproduction 4 Feb. 7 – 13 Genetics 5 Feb. 14 – 20 Genetics Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 6 Feb. 21 – 27 Chemistry 7 Feb. 28 – March 6 […]
Prior to reading this DQ, please read the CLA 1 assignment and understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the CLA 1 assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ 1. Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, […]