The unpredictable health care forces. The role of the global citizen requires an understanding of the unpredictable health care forces, ethical and legal issues, and socio-cultural sensitivity. Reflect upon your role as a global citizen and share two examples of how your global perspective has expanded throughout your BSN journey. After taking BSN440: Case Management, […]
Epidemiology principles throughout a community. Minimizing Public Health Issues Epidemiology principles can be used to determine how a disease is spread throughout a community, state, country or world. Review the following link for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, discuss how the distribution(s), determinant(s), states and events, […]
Effects of elimination complexities. Effects of elimination complexities. Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example and references. Requirements: 250 – 300 words
Patients with IBS experience essay. Patients with IBS experience essay. IBS Patients with IBS experience abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits without a known cause. Stress and hard to digest foods can trigger the symptoms. Foods like dairy, wheat, and beans are hard to digest can be triggers as are diets with fertmentable oligo-, di-, […]
Factors influencing quality patient care. What factors do you see in practice that influence safe, quality patient-centered care? Have those factors shifted or changed as your role as an RN has progressed or changed? Do you think the factors will continue to change? What factors do you see affecting safe, quality patient-centered in 10 years?
Essay on health care service. Essay on health care service. Wk 6 – U.S. Health Care Systems for Small Populations, Part 6 Assignment Content Write a 525- to 700-word SBAR proposal for the new or improved health care service that you want to introduce into the community’s health care system. Create a 7-10-minute video detailing […]
Marriage and Family Therapy Essay I need a 1 page research/reflection paper on Strategic Family Therapy. This paper should be single spaced following the apa 6th edition format. I have also included a list of references that you can choose from. chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/index.html
Psychological Development Essay 3 Each Question must be answered separately. 1. Developmental psychologist Robert Havighurst stated that the developmental tasks for middle-aged adults are threefold: 1) managing a household, 2) child rearing, and 3) managing a career. speculate on how you will accomplish these tasks. ****250 words,2 scholarly articles. Must synthesize the quotes ******* 2. […]
Psychotherapy as a treatment strategy Essay Psychotherapy as a treatment strategy for mental disorders has also been defined as “depth” psychology. Is this alternative term important in distinguishing this treatment strategy from others? Why or why not? Please provide a 150-250 word response to the above question with at least 1 cited reference. Please reference […]
Clinical decision support systems Discussion The complexity and volume of patient data makes clinical decision support very challenging for health care providers. The field of Informatics can be used to process this data and form recommendations to assist these health care providers. Clinical decision support systems are used to help determine the nature of patients’ […]