(My topic is on Racism and the two philosophers that I would be applying in the paper, would be Saint Augustine and Plato and how would they address racism) The outline of your final project should contain your thesis statement, and the remainder should be a full-sentence outline where you specifically show how your […]
When we as individuals have the desire to learn more about current events and the condition of the world it is only natural that we turn our focus towards the mediums that broadcast the information in which we are seeking. These information sources can be televisions, newspapers, magazines, and/or the most recent technological phenomenon, known […]
Read the following scenario and answer the corresponding questions upon your completion. You recently earned your Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, and you are excited to share the news with your manager. After a short discussion, the manager looks at you and says, “Shawn, let’s not waste any time. I have a big project that […]
Please write a two page report on the following activities and questions. 1. Begin by taking the brief “VARK Questionnaire” on learning. It is available at: http://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/. On the home screen, click “Questionnaire” and take the “How Do I Learn” questionnaire. Explain the results of your questionnaire in a paragraph or two. How might you […]
Critically examine the circumstances under which the United Nations Security Council can trigger the exercise of jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court. Abstract Human rights and fundamental freedoms are an important element of international law and foreign policy. This has led to many interventionist measures being employed by various international bodies. The ability of the […]
1. Extra Credit Assignment: you need to get this right because I could get all points or nothing. The following two pieces both address evolution. The first article is written by Elizabeth Bumiller, and the second article is written by Lisa Fullam. One presents an argument while the other offers an explanation. Read them both […]
How is an “epidemic of violence” different from the epidemic of Hush Puppies or Paul Revere’s ride? Products and messages are relatively straightforward and simple things. How is crime different? Response: The Gladwell’s tipping point mainly talks about the three rules are the law of the few, the stickiness factor, and the power of context. […]
Please watch (1860-1880) PBS The Chinese-American Experience PART I of III – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbl7P0U2n_8 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBoPzC67RMk Then answer these questions: 1. What is the main argument of the video? 2. Summarize the video from start to finish. NOTE: Break the film down into sections in your summary and note how the film used evidence such […]
Develop your paper by doing a literature research and write part I of your assignment. Topics that may be included in this part of the asiignment: etiology, description of the pathogens (morphology, nutritional and environmental requirements) life cycle (if applicable) epidemiology, symptomatology, vectors (if any), what type of disease or infection it causes, or does […]
Covid-19 has underscored the flaws in the Westphalian Legal Order and its ability to address current global problems. Given the technological revolution, globalization, climate change, mass migration, poverty, and internal armed conflicts, international challenges have made borders porous and impossible for states to deal with these problems unilaterally. In many ways, the principle of sovereignty […]