Preferably a Pro that will check with Turnitin and provide a report. Before you even start I will not accept any plagiarized paper don’t even try because I will be using turn it in and it’s very accurate I except original work (anyone can copy and paste and source) I don’t want that I repeat […]
Name: Assignment on Trophic Cascades Go to the following web link- A. Complete the first slides of the introduction. Next, follow the first example of sea otters, and answer the following questions. 1. What does the otter eat? _________________ 2. How does the consumption by the otter effect the growth of the Kelp forest? […]
n this assignment, you will explore the top predators effect in the ecosystem. Go to to begin the interactive click and learn. Download the word document, answer all of the questions on the Sea Otter example, which begins in the introduction. Once you have completed all of this portion, choose 1 of the case […]
Requirements Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the assignment. Submit your answers on a Word document, with the heading of Week 5 Assignment. For the questions requiring a written response, answer directly on the assignment and adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show […]
In this essay, I will be looking at the representation of women in the action film genre and study the social messages that are constructed and conveyed by the media. The two media texts I will be comparing from are The Raiders of the Lost Ark and Tomb Raider. The female lead in Raiders of […]
1. Researchers who study peer relationships in adolescence might argue that cliques get a bad rap because common views portray cliques as harmful to adolescents. How would you describe your friend group/clique? How did membership in this group impact your development? 2. Identify influences on adolescent sexual activity (e.g., intercourse, oral sex, contraceptive use) at […]
NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes Capstone Change Project Outcomes APA style refs Aprox 500 words NRS493, please see attached for details. Thanks. Capstone Change Project Outcomes After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list […]
NRS 451VN DQ: Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management Description Objectives: 1. Compare the roles of leadership and management. 2. Discuss leadership theories. 3. Develop a resume outlining qualifications for a specific role. 4. Evaluate personal conduct in the use of social media Nursing Leadership and Management: Leading and Serving Description: Read Chapter 1 […]
NRS 430 Discussion: Effects of Plagiarism on the Nursing Profession Topic 1 DQ 2 Description: List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in […]
Discuss what non lethal weaponry you would add to the arsenal of the agency’s weapons You are a member of a mid-sized metropolitan police department that has just been incorporated. The new chief of police would like to modernize the agency and get as much “bang for the buck” as she can. But, the chief […]