Reading for discussion 1 • Apply the Decision Tree Analysis Technique (An explanation of How to use Decision Tree Analysis): • Behavioral Finance: The Role of Psychology: • Break Even Lecture (The Breakeven even and the contribution margin analysis): • Efficient Market Hypothesis: Exclusive Interview with Gene Fama Jr. (Explanation of the […]
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice. This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their […]
During the first week of class, you will be assigned two readings from which to create abstracts. If you do an unassigned reading, you will receive a 0 for the assignment. Each abstract is to be no more than two pages in length. Be prepared to present abstract #1 to the class. Rescheduling will not […]
4/4/2021 Readings 1/9 Feminist Ethics ALISON M. JAGGAR Feminist approaches to ethics, often known collectively as feminist ethics, are distinguished by an explicit commitment to correcting male biases they perceive in traditional ethics, biases that may be manifest in rationalizations of women’s subordination, or in disregard for, or disparagement of, women’s moral experience. Feminist […]
Myth Zoroastrianism was founded by Zarathustra (also known as Zoroaster) between 8000 and 2500 years ago. He lived in northeast Persian (Iran) near the border of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan and was born on the banks of the Daraja River. He is considered by some to be the world’s First Prophet and is credited with the […]
Electric Compass’ were used 3. At is a good conductor of electricity electron 4. Not until after Mechanics 5. Magnetic compass 6. (Tape notes in notebook) Some things attract, others repel. All objects fall and move with respect to gravity. 7. Benjamin Franklin 8. A fundamental element Of mass 9. Like repel, different attract 10. […]
Conduct a web search on organizations that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Please select one business and cover the following: (a) Provide a background of the organization. (b) How was the organization impacted? What losses did it suffer? (c) Describe the disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place? (d) What […]
GDP and GDP Per Capita: compare these values for your country with those for the United States, keep the year used as close as possible (the same year is preferred, if available), be specific about the currency in which the numbers are expressed – you should be able to obtain all values in US Dollars. […]
Each student will write a short research paper for a peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assigned reading. This will be a detailed summary of the research paper and what you gained from the research. Each week, you will find an article/peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assignment. If you have […]
Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Humility Leadership Journal: Example Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike a personal journal of thoughts […]