One of PLE’s manufacturing plants supplies various engine components to manufacturers of motorcycles on a Just In Time basis. Planned production capacity for one component is 100 units per shift, and the plant operates one shift per day. Because of fluctuations in customers’ assembly operations, however, demand fluctuates and is historically between 80 and 130 […]
This week, you should begin working on your Cloud Cost Analysis, which is due next week. The analysis is for your client, a federal government agency, as part of its Microsoft Azure cloud pilot. The Cloud Cost Analysis is the second of a two-part assignment for your client’s CIO. Using the Azure Pricing Calculator, you […]
Db1 Topic: Banks and the Economy For an economy to thrive, there must be a strong banking system. If the banks fail and must be bailed out, it will have an effect on the economy. If people lose faith in the safety and security of financial institutions, what will happen to the U.S. economy? Db […]
Assignment Content Google a human service agency of interest. Respond to the following questions in an essayformat, no less than one page in length. Name of the agency Population served, type of services provided, length of time services are provided? What area of service may require consultation? Explain why consultation may be needed based on […]
Business Article Analysis Assignments (10 %) – To encourage you to read the popular business press and apply the concepts of the course, you will be responsible for two article analyses write-ups. In each of these write-ups you will complete an analysis, using a specified tool from one of the chapters, from information contained in […]
1. Read the introduction to biopolitics. This is a concept by Foucault, but the definition is explained by someone else in short paper form. I put helpful/central passages in bold font. Look up words you don’t know and bring all your questions to class. When the text talks about ‘power,’ it means forms of governmental […]
Overview Think about when are you the most conscious in life – is it while you’re calm, angry, happy, or moved; while absorbed in a movie, video game, or athletic activity; while engaged in a spirited conversation, making decisions, meditating, reflecting, trying to solve a difficult problem, day dreaming, or feeling creative? Instructions Share your […]
Transformational Leadership Debate [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 8 in the Leadership: Theory and Practice course textbook. Identify and explain four of Bass’s factors associated with transformational leadership. Give examples from your own experiences or observations that illustrate the use of two of these […]
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Paper detalis: The paper must be APA formatted. It must be 3 paragraphs long. 1. Correctly and clearly describe what the text is about. This is a 3-4 sentence summary of the main questions, goals, methods, and conclusions of the text. 2. Succinctly and clearly discuss the single most interesting idea or concept introduced in […]