Deliverable: 2 discussion questions and 2 responses per question As Jillian Best had promised, Ying’s email lands in your inbox by midafternoon on Friday. INBOX: 1 New Message Subject: Digital Marketing with CompanyOne From: Ying Bao, Associate Consultant, MCS To: You and Team Good afternoon, I’m looking forward to working with you all on […]
Project Two: Analysis of Social Institution of Family You have writing assignments or projects throughout the course. The due dates for each project are noted in your syllabus. Please look at the project rubric and postings associated with the project for more information. Each project should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with […]
Competency Translate quantitative and qualitative data into appropriate visualizations Scenario You are the facility manager for EnVision, a high-tech vehicle maker located in Atlanta. This new company designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and charging units. EnVision’s unique designs, technical prowess, and limited competition has placed them in the enviable position of having a […]
Prior to beginning work on this final paper, review all chapters of Bensel and Carbone’s Sustaining Our Planet text (2020). In this paper, you will explore what a future sustainable world might look like, and in the process of doing so, extend your previous descriptions of selected terms and explain how they may play a […]
Assignments 1- Answer to Discussion question two. 2- DQ replies to 3 DQs. Instructions for Answer to Question 1- After Each DQ (question), write down references 2- 300 minimum words for every DQ, you can go up to 700 words but answer should be complete. 3- 2-3 references for each question 4- References should […]
Select one of the two options (Narrative or Description) and begin to tell your Miami Story. The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible. Use the rhetorical structures you have learned so far. Narrative (1 page, typed, double-spaced) FIRST PART: Tell a story of significance to your family. […]
1) Initial discussion post must be at least 300 words per question. (3 questions total, so 900 words all together) (3) Your entire initial post must contain at least AND (1) external source per question. APA guidelines apply for in-text citations and references. If you are not familiar with how to properly cite using APA, […]
This exercise is worth 15 points. To turn in your work you will need to scan it in and created a PDF file (please send a copy of the original work as well so I can see what you were trying to copy). You are not being graded on your artwork rather your […]
From the Research Paper in Lesson 4 share the types of countermeasures you discovered. This defense in depth discussion scenario is an intentional cybersecurity attack on the water utility’s SCADA system. It occurs during the fall after a dry summer in Fringe City. The water utility’s Information Technology (IT) person did not receive an […]
Blog Post: Film or Television (Due with Module 10) Students will choose a film, TV series, or single episode of a TV series and create a 500 – 750-word post describing, analyzing, and evaluating the visual text. Films or television programs discussed cannot be part of assigned cultural content. To achieve core area objectives, students […]