Introduction Digital marketing offers both vendor and consumer and one-to-one, interactive brand building and relationship opportunities. This has become an integral part of the promotional strategy of the marketing mix, and allows organizations to customize marketing messages to expanded segments of the target markets. Directions Mini-case studies: The students are expected to answer the […]
USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Independent Project 6-5 (Mac 2016) Independent Project 6-5 (Mac 2016 Version) Classic Gardens and Landscapes counts responses to mail promotions to determine effectiveness. You use SUMIFS and a nested IF formula to complete the summary. You also calculate insurance statistics and convert birth dates from text to dates. […]
Assignment: Home Safety Plan Concept Map (individual activity) Instructions – Students should develop a concept map that holistically addresses the following: o Mr. Amid’s strengths and challenges as an individual, as member of a family, and as a member of a community (Students should use creativity and logic to fill in the gaps in Mr. […]
In this lesson, you will run a correlation between the resting and after exercising heart rates to determine if a linear relationship exists between the two variables and how strong the relationship is. Steps Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel and identify the X-variable (resting heart rates for all 200 participants) and the Y-variable […]
“Complete Article for The Therapeutic Relationship Class. The instructions are listed below and attached along with the actual article on Common Skills that Underlie the Common. Factors of Successful Psychotherapy” You will write article review for this course. Each review is worth 15 points. The review should be 1-2 single-spaced pages in a 12-point, Times […]
Attention class Please note all work will be check with TURN IT IN 2 pages Instructions Goal: The goal of this assignment is select a research article and analyze the quality of scholarly information it contains. Course Objective: COs 2 & 3 Description: In the Week 3 lesson, we’ve explored how to read and understand […]
Assignment 2, we ask you to choose one of two topic choices listed below on the subject of economic change and innovation in the period of the late 1800s and early 1900s, then use the Writing Guide provided in Blackboard to write a paper on the subject. One topic is on the individual level […]
For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage. Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges. The paper should include the following sections […]
Develop: Presentation and Reflection Evaluation Title: Your Story The final project asks you to demonstrate that you have gained mastery of these objectives: Explain how and why the study of the Humanities is relevant to contemporary human experience. Analyze how personal experience affects one’s interpretation of humanities texts. Throughout this course, you have discovered how […]
DETERMINATION OF PERCENT KHP AND ACID EQUIVALENT WEIGHT Titration is a process of mixing measured volumes of reacting solutions in such a manner that one can determine when chemically equivalent amounts of reactants are mixed. One of the purposes of the titration process is to determine the concentration of a solute in a solution. […]