Outcomes Planning Wheel Refer to page 56 in the book The Four Questions of the Outcomes Planning Wheel as well as the template linked below, and apply the case study in the lecture to the wheel and answer each question. Refer to the question list in the lecture as well for additional help when answering […]
Assignment 1: Management at One Smooth Stone Assignment Compose a two-part analysis (750-1,000 words total for parts 1 and 2 combined). Please note that the two-part analysis deadline is at the end of Topic 2. Part 1 Address the following in Topic 1: 1. View “One Smooth Stone.” http://lc.gcumedia.com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/mgt240_organizational-behavior-video-v1.1.php 2. Students can gain additional insight on the […]
Promotion and Social Responsibility (Turbo Tax) ( Kotler & Keller: Ch. 19–23 ) Q4. Explain how the firm could use event sponsorships as a part of its promotional efforts (Ch. 20) (Turbo Tax) Q5. Discuss the Internet marketing possibilities for the product/service. (Ch. 21) (Turbo Tax) Q6. Discuss the use of social media in the […]
Each week, there will be two prompts requiring your response. Responses may be posted in one blog entry or two, but each response should be clearly titled. While blogging is more relaxed than formal essay writing, it requires a minimum word count (see individual instructions), good grammar and correct spelling. It also requires APA documentation […]
To begin, use Python and SQLAlchemy to do basic climate analysis and data exploration of your climate database. All of the following analysis should be completed using SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Use the provided starter notebook and hawaii.sqlite files to complete your climate analysis and data exploration. Choose a start date and […]
Week 1 – Assignment 1 APA “Find the Errors” Task Prepare: Review requirements for APA formatting. There are many resources found in the Writing Center, such as the following: Write: Using the Week 1 APA Unformatted Example Essay, complete the following task: Using the “Track Changes” function located under the “Review” tab at the top […]
Select and read one of the articles below: MacInnis, J. B. (2015). Living under the sea. Journal of Diving History, 23(85), 40-43. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=112931398&site=ehost-live&scope=site Hardy, K., Koblick, I., & MacInnis, J. B. (2016). Ed Link’s submerged portable inflatable dwelling (SPID). Journal of Diving History, 24(86), 42-26. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=114708312&site=ehost-live&scope=site After reading the article, […]
Review the mission and vision statements provided: Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county. Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county. Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population […]
Students will write 400-800 words describing a problem they would like to focus on for their Strategic Thinking Project. The following headings and sections should be included: Describe the Problem Why the Issue is Important The Larger Strategic Issues Associated with the Problem Examples: People don’t get paid equitably Chronic quality problems Low employee […]
Exercise 8.1 – Given the network plan that follows, compute the early, late, and slack times. What is the project duration? Using any approach you wish (e.g., trial and error), develop a loading chart for resources, Electrical Engineers (EE), and re-source, Mechanical Engineers (ME). Assume only one of each resource exists. Given your resource schedule, […]