Persuasive Speech Nearly two weeks ago, over 700 men and women signed on to play in the largest post-season tournament in professional sports, or should I say, amateur sports. The athletes in March Madness, the post-season basketball tournament, practice multiple times per day, all year round, and even on the weekends. When they aren’t busy […]
I know many will not read this but be sure to understand this assignment before you approach me. I had to repost this! 1. So I have completed all my course work for a PhD in Business Administration and now need to complete my dissertation. 2. The challenge I have is that I […]
Unlike most other developed nations, the United States does not have a unified healthcare system. Even with the passage of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the first major health reform law passed in this country in nearly 50 years, the United States continues to provide healthcare services through a patchwork of […]
I would like you to find TWO recent (nothing earlier than August 2018, and preferably very recent) news stories that relate to material we have covered in this course. For each story, either paste the link or write the title of the article (you do not need to write a formal bibliography), and then provide […]
“Compare the ways personal experience is presented in “Horse whisperer” and another poem of your choice” The poems “Horse whisperer” and “The ruined maid” portray a sense of personal experience in their poems. Andrew Foster’s poem, “Horse whisperer” tells us about how a horse whisperer was used in his society when he was needed but […]
Assignment #9: Your organizational analysis. Compose a document (minimum of 3 pages, single-spaced, in technical report/memo form using section headings, page numbers, and memo format addressed to the principal and cc’d to me), I’d use the following section headings: Purpose/introduction, Trends/themes from the interviews, Four Frames Analysis, SWOT Analysis, AI Discussion, Potential Change Areas (numbered), […]
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” Please respond to the following: Watch the video titled “Groundwater Contamination” (4 min 35 sec) under the Water Pollution terms section of the Science Corner. You can also view the video at Next, explain the main reasons why some groundwater sources that we use may be more vulnerable to chemical contamination than others. […]
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Analyze the methodology used in scientific research. Analyze the sample, the sampling procedures, and the sampling strategies. Competency 2: Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of research methods. Evaluate the overall strengths and […]
FDNY – new york fire department For this forum you will need to pick a fire department and investigate their budget. If you are currently working for a fire department, you can choose to get the information from your department. However, the department you choose does not have to be your current department. If you […]