Project Program Bachelor of Business Subject Entrepreneurship in Context Assessment Brief – Project Program Bachelor of Business Subject Entrepreneurship in Context Subject code HAT201A Name of assessment Project Length 2000 (±10%) words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment: b) Apply theoretical concepts to the entrepreneurial decision-making process. c) Demonstrate the use of business data in […]
Case Study 2 selected Assessment Task 1 – Case Study Description: Please refer to the NRSG257 “Assessment” and “Additional Unit Resources” on the National LEO page for more comprehensive information on…Graded Assignment 2 – (New) Product/Service Development• Due Monday by 16:59• Points 40• Submitting a text entry box or a file upload• File types doc, […]
Assessment item 2 – Elaboration phase Value: 35% Due date: 27-April-2018 Return date: 18-May-2018 Length: Word length 1800 to 2000 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task In this assessment item, you are required to provide the detailed architecture and design of the system presented in Assessment Item 1 in report form. The total number […]
Acct6007_Assignment Brief Critical Analysis Page 1 of 6 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6007 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice Assessment Critical Analysis Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words +/- 10% Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the underlying social and corporate imperatives that underlie the accounting conceptual framework. 2. Identify the key players in Australian financial reporting […]
ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 4: Database Application Individual/Group Individual Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the characteristics of relational databases and their role in creation and communication of business intelligence. 2. Identify and assess IT controls, auditing, ethical, privacy and security issues with respect to information. 3. Apply technical […]
Task 4 Applied study: Living in a digital world – student case study Assessment Brief: In the workshops which will support the initial development of this case study we will explore what is meant by ‘living in a digital world’ and provide the background to the case study which will focus on your personal study, […]
Assessment brief/activity You are required to provide written answers to all five of the questions below. Question 1 Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and briefly explain how these have evolved/are evolving in contemporary organisations. In your answer, provide a brief justification for managing HR in […]
BIZ101_Assessment 3_Presentation_Module 6 Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF 3 Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications Assessment Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length Presentation: 7-10 minutes Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level […]
MGT502 Assessment Brief 3 Digital Resource Analysis Page 1 of 3 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Name MGT502 Business Communication Assessment Assignment 3 – Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length 15 minutes Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study b) Demonstrate research skills and […]
ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title BIZ201 Accounting for Decision Making Assessment Case Study Part B Individual/Group Group (2-3 students) Length 2,000 words Learning Outcomes a) Explain and evaluate the role and importance of financial information in business decision making b) Apply relevant accounting concepts to simple business scenarios d) Apply basic costing and budgeting […]