Week 6 Discussion: Why Study Political Science? Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1, 2 Lesson Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research Initial Post Instructions Identify why students should learn about political science. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at […]
Factors Influencing Utilization of Mental Health Services in South Texas Kehinde Alli Dr. John Johnson January 31, 2022 CONFIDENTIAL GCU – For Internal Use Only 1 Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to examine how mental health providers describe influencing factors among south Texas residents to utilize or reject mental health […]
To improve your writing skills, first you have to identify areas that you need to work on in order to make yourself a better writer. Over the first two modules, you will work on a short writing sample that you will share with your course faculty member so that he or she can identify areas […]
Competency Utilize virtue and character-based ethical theories in case studies. Instructions For this assessment, you will get the chance to highlight your creative writing skills and your knowledge surrounding Aristotle. Be the Best You, is a career coaching and mentorship agency that works with employees to not only achieve their professional goals, but their personal […]
1 Name: Course number: Student ID: 1. Courses I am taking this term – Describe the second eight-week course (Course title, course number, and course description from the catalog) 2. List Outcomes from course – List course outcomes (objectives) as written in the course syllabus for this course. 3. Apply your work experience to the […]
ART 105 Film as Art Research Paper Guidelines Due Thursday, April 8 by 6:00pm. Email to cmoore@tcl.edu Must be at least 5 pages in length, but not longer than 7 pages. Include title page, works cited page (not counted in above total pages). Double space, times new roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. Must use at […]
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research on an organizational change that could be implemented to increase the selected company’s competitive advantage. Continue researching the company. Use the previous research sources and new research that may be needed to determine potential areas for organizational change and address questions related to planning and managing […]
Final assignment # 1 Requires readings: use the attached below for this assignment. Use 2 references and 2 citations. Only use the 2 assigned reading for this assignment. 1. Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management. 2. Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator Part 1–Create a […]
Team Goal: Case Analysis 1 -Page Outline (for Initial Direction from Instructor) DUE on BB Team Links: Wednesday April 13th @11:59 PM Make a one-page outline on your Case Analysis Assignment. The outline is a guide document that you will discuss with your Instructor to get feedback on direction and things that can help you […]
Submit an independently written 3-5 page paper (approx. 700 words) plus attachment and research appendix and 5 sources. It must be based on a human geography issue of interest. The paper will critically analyze a global or local issue. Topic: General Problem parameters: Where do the Hurricanes, aka cyclones, typhoons, willy-willys (tsunami?) originate? Where are […]