****** Please work on attachment ” FPX5910_Rasazi_Assessment 1-1.docx” ******** Professor feedback in the bottom of the attachment ” FPX5910_Rasazi_Assessment 1-1″ Assessment 1 Instructions: Capstone Project Summary minimum of 3 pages, not including the title, reference, and appendix pages. If you want can choose Samsung , project summary that describes your chosen organization, a business problem or opportunity, […]
UMNCPHP – Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach; School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Retrieved from (https://learning.umn.edu/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=4154156) Complete Cert. I am currently serving overseas and will need assistance completing this Course. Upon completion of cert there will be other assignments attached to it. NEED YOUR […]
Research plagiarism. Discuss the following, supplying citations to support any information that you provide. Do not include your opinion, only what you can support with a citation. Address the following topics. How should a writer research and write about a given topic The reason plagiarism is detrimental to scholarly writing The impact plagiarism has […]
To access your lab, please follow these instructions— *if you have already done steps 1-10, simply log in to view your course and participate in lab activities: Please go to: https://oli.cmu.edu/jcourse/webui/register/student.do This will bring you to the “Course Key Students” page. Enter the Course Key “Chem-mangan” in the box and click “register.” Create an […]
ACC 601 Managerial Accounting Group Case 1 (100 points) Instructions: 1. As a group, complete the following activities in good form. Use excel or word only. Provide all supporting calculations to show how you arrived at your numbers 2. Add only the names of group members who participated in the completion of this assignment. 3. […]
Please read carefully this is two different Discussion must be done separately Cervone, D., & Pervin, L. A. (2019). Personality: Theory and research (14th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 1, “Personality Theory: From Everyday Observations to Systematic Theories” (pp. 1–25)This first chapter of the text explores a range of influences on […]
You have all worked very hard to reach this point in your educational endeavors. The Professional Development Project marks the end of your capstone course and for many the successful conclusion to the first two years of your academic journey. The Professional Development Project builds upon the Learning Journal entries that you have made […]
Instructions Ethics form an important part of our daily life, our thoughts, and our behaviors. Psychologists, whether they teach, serve clients, or do research, have a special responsibility to follow the ethical code of their profession due to the impact their work has on the lives of other human beings. This course focuses on ethical […]
In a Microsoft Word document of 2-3 pages formatted in APA style, you will answer three questions related to your opportunity as a nurse and an advocate. The first two questions relate to influencing a bill that is traveling through the legislative process. The third question refers you to the social determinants of health […]
No Plagiarism. Need in 24 hours. INHERENT RISK, TESTS OF CONTROLS, AND SUBSTANTIVE PROCEDURES Inherent Risk, Tests of Controls, and Substantive Procedures Overview In this assignment, you will prepare a 2–3 page professional document that addresses the requirements specified in the case. Fully address each requirement and include at least two current references to […]