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SOAP Note Genitourinary: urinary tract infection

SOAP Note Genitourinary: urinary tract infection Requirement: APA format Intext citation References at least 4 high-level scholarly reference per post within the last 5 years in APA format. EACH differential diagnostic gets 1 reference and the Treatment Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt. ID: Client’s Initials*Age__76___ Race________Gender__Male__________Date of Birth___________ Insurance _______________ Marital Status_____________ Subjective: CC: “low back […]

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Date: July 30th, 2023

Analyzing Psychopathology and Its Relevance to Jeffrey Dahmer’s Behavior

Read and review “He Speaks Not, Yet He Says Everything; What of That?: Text, Context, and Pretext in State v. Jeffrey Dahmer.” In a 750-1,000-word paper, do the following: 1. Analyze how the theories of psychopathology could explain the behavior of Jeffrey Dahmer. 2. Examine whether psychopathology could provide any aid to persons such as […]

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Date: July 30th, 2023

Chapter 4: Emotional Development: Nurturing Adolescents’ Emotion Regulation for Social Competence

Chapter 4 Post: Emotional Development In chapter 4, please read over the sections on emotional development. Understanding that adolescents tend to experience more extreme emotions highlights the importance of supportive socialization practices to help with emotion regulation. Learning how to control emotions is a key aspect of adolescence and is important for social competence. As […]

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Date: July 30th, 2023

Fostering Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Psychiatric Practice: A Personal Reflection

HOW DO YOU PRACTICE INTRA- AND INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN PRACTICE? Post a response describing your own experiences with intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in your practice (Psychiatric). What were the strengths and weaknesses of this collaboration? How might your own experiences mirror the perspectives and viewpoints presented in the Henry et al. (2018) case study design […]

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Date: July 30th, 2023

Advancements in Healthcare Technology: The Revolution of Telemedicine/Telehealth

Technology and Healthcare Applied. Read the following article: 10 Biggest Technological Advancements for Healthcare in the Last Decade Choose one of the following 10 advancements mentioned in the article. 1. Electronic Health Record 2. mHealth 3. Telemedicine/Telehealth 4. Portal Technology 5. Self-Service Kiosks 6. Remote Monitoring Tools 7. Sensors and Wearable Technology 8. Wireless Communication […]

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Date: July 30th, 2023