Addiction in Adolescence Essay 2 – Addiction in Adolescence (Module/Week 5) In addition to your readings and presentations for this module/week, research at least 2 scholarly articles that discusses abuse of substances and addiction in adolescence. What is the current research saying in regards to addiction/abuse, resilience in this population, and what interventions may counteract […]
CybertTech’s Ethical Decision Review Case below and add the following components Case Study Early one morning at work, CEO Alice Johnson asks if you have a moment to chat. I need your expertise and advice on a complicated situation for the company regarding an international hacking lawsuit. In her office, Alice explains that CyberTech is […]
Ecosystem and the living organisms Assignment Assignment 1 (A1): Proposal 15 points | Assigned 9/12. Due 10/10 Each student will write a 2-page proposal on what they want to study for their final project. The subject can be a deeper exploration of a topic from the class material or an exploration of a specific case. […]
History of Gay Rights Movement Paper details: Research paper explaining the history of gay rights movement. Textbook used is Managing diversity in organizations by Maria Triana
Description A good paper will make a clear argument supported by theoretical material covered in class and in the readings. In other words, make a clear and convincing case for your point of view, while at the same time showing why the criticisms of your argument that some other reasonable person might put forth are […]
Crisis intervention (Counseling) Paper details: You will be critiquing the methodological strengths and weaknesses of the empirical/experimental peer-reviewed journal articles you find on Crisis Intervention. For example was the sample size adequate, was it representative of the population being studied, were participants randomly selected and assigned to groups or conditions, were there control groups or […]
Women Offending and Victimisation Perspectives Paper details: Major Essay 40% Choose ONE question 1. Select one area of criminal justice practice which interests you (perpetrators of violence, victims of violence, sex work, policing, prisons and so on) and describe its context, the theories that underpin the field, and analyse how a knowledge of gender as […]
write an essay for CIE A level English literature paper 9695. I have attached the sample answers for a passage-based question and essay type question on a different book, so that the writer can understand the expectations of the task. I have also uploaded the question paper, there are 3 sets with 2 questions on […]
FIN 320 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Final Project Part I Part I Overview Business professionals typically need to demonstrate a core set of financial knowledge to earn the job and to succeed on a job. For this part of the assessment, you will be given a scenario in which you are asked to illustrate […]
This management case study can be on any topic you choose. It could relate to an issue or problem in your workplace that you wish to address or it could be about implementing an improvement in clinical care or management practices. The Report must be in official Report format with an Executive summary, a Literature […]