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writing after reading

About two double-spaced pages, using 1” margins and a readable 12-point font such as Times New Roman. That is about 500 words.  Identify a problem about language and/or translation that the text seeks to address. (For example: “Why do people speak different languages?” or “How do we deal with a single word that has multiple […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis

 Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis  Write a five to six (4-6) page paper in which you: (Note: Refer to Review Question 8 located at the end of Chapter 3 for criteria 1-3. Select two (2) editorials / essays / columns (by staff or freelance writers) on a current issue of public policy from two (2) different publications […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

Project help–do section 3 only I have uploaded other sections

   Section I  A. APA Title Page with group #, each group member’s name, and industry. B. Introduction and description of the organization. C. Job summaries & descriptions for 4–5 benchmark jobs. D. Minimum/average/maximum wages. Section II E. Benefits (Must include all benefits that may be provided in this industry. However, since industries will vary […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

Foreign Oil vs Domestic Oil

Foreign Petroleum Industry V. S. Domestic Petroleum Industry The Petroleum Industry is a very important industry for our ever-changing world. As we know it, right now, the world pretty much revolves around oil and gas exploration and extraction. Almost everything that the world produces uses oil or gas in one way or another. Right now, […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

The Fantastic Five Of Oracle Accelerator Programme

Getting the right mentoring at the right time can do wonders for any startup just beginning their journey. And imagine what would happen when this mentoring is given by multinational computer technology corporation Oracle. Announced in April, Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator will be a platform for startups to help them grow by providing technology, mentoring, […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

Price Mechanism

The market system is the mechanism for allocating scarce resources and thereby encouraging a positive investment climate. The problem of scarcity is common in all economic structures. The economic system of a particular country is the way in which its people, businesses and government make choices. Demand is the amount of a product consumers are […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

Different Factors That Contribute to the Growth and Failure

THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT FUNDAMENTALS OF FILM IN THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF THE INDUSTRY 1) Introduction The Film Industry is an important vehicle for social, cultural, political and economic development because a well nurtured film industry can be a major source of employment and an effective tool and platform for the cultured expression of […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

computers in the legal

Discussion Question 1: Compare Word Processing Programs Both Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect are used as word processing applications in law offices. Go to the Web sites for each product and look at their features. Then answer the following questions: What features does Microsoft Word have that WordPerfect doesn’t have? Which would you prefer to […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022

LEDC and MEDC Economic and Social Issues

The population in the UK is forever ageing, with people living until a much older age today. One economic effect of this is that pensioners will, in time, outnumber children. This will mean that there will be a generation between certain ages that has a very low population and once this age band becomes part […]

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Date: February 13th, 2022