‘-Your paper will contain four sections. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font, and must not exceed 12 pages typed. (page length does not include references or title page). The final paper must be placed in the appropriate link on Canvas. -You are writing this paper in the context of public administration/policy, […]
Read the case study titled “GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets” located in the XanEdu case pack (see attachment for article) Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Determine two (2) emerging trends in the external environment that prompted General Electric (GE) Healthcare to develop a new strategy for the […]
Children’s Asthma Care Measures Children’s Asthma Care has three core measures that are used to guide the provision of healthcare services to patients. The three core measures include the use of relievers for all inpatient asthma conditions (Joint Commission, 2019). The second measure involves the application of systematic corticosteroids for inpatient asthma. Nurses apply systematic […]
Start by reading and following these instructions: Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully. […]
Evidence-Based Practice The selected healthcare organization website is Northwestern Medicine whose uniform resource locator is https://www.nm.org. The specific page that describes the evidence-based practice is https://www.nm.org/for-medical-professionals/for-nurses. It is located in the nursing resources and clinical trials and research carried out by the organization. The research in the healthcare organization is dedicated to the discovery of […]
Developing Organizational Policies Workplace hazards is a national issue that undermines the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. It affects the motivation of nurses to continue working in a risky environment. There are two competing needs that affect workplace hazards. They include the desire to reduce the cost of delivering healthcare services and lack of […]
Pertinent Healthcare Issue The pertinent healthcare issue is data security of healthcare records which is at risk a data breach. Statistics indicate an increase in hacking attempts against Electronic Health Records. The records contain addresses of patients and their guardians including contacts, bank accounts, social security numbers, emails and other personal details (Iyengar, Kundu & […]
Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue The selected pertinent health issue is quality of care. Quality of care is determined by various factors including accurate diagnosis. Statistics indicate that the quality of care deteriorates upon misdiagnosis. In the United States 12 million patients are misdiagnosed, a condition which increases the cost of treatment and in […]
Pharmacology The ethical and legal implications of the scenario involve various stakeholders including prescriber, pharmacist, patient, patient’s family. The ethical implications include failure of the pharmacist to disclose full information the patient and failure of the prescriber to accept responsibility of the mistake (Gorgich, Barfroshan, Ghoreishi & Yaghoobi, 2016). The patient has the responsibility of […]
In a Word document, prepare a 2-3 page (500-900 words) written response to the following question and submit it to your professor: Q: Write about privacy and security concerns in Telehealth program and how these possible threats can be compromised for better healthcare services?