Instructions TERM PAPER – Due September 27, 2020 Listed below are suggested topics for your term paper. The topic you choose for the term paper must be one of those listed below unless you had a prior approval from me to research a particular issue. It helps to choose a topic that touches you personally […]
NUR212 Task 2 – Written Piece Template – 1375-1500 words Use the following headings to guide your written piece of work. Name the health issue and policies that you will review and appraise. (Choose one of the topics provided). What do these health policies aim to achieve? (Approximately 400 words to be supported with evidence […]
MATH5007 2020 Semester 2: Assignment 1: Simulation Name: ___________ Student ID: _____________ Question 1: General Simulation (16 Marks) The part is a short general understanding and exploration question. 1. Provide in your own word a short explanation what simulation and especially discrete event-oriented simulation is (MAX 100 words) 8M 2. Provide a scenario in your […]
ASSESSMENT COMPETENCY RECORD This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as the final record of the student competence in these discipline. All student submissions including any associated documents and checklists are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file. Student results are not to be entered […]
Task 2 — Growing the business Having considered how you would go about building and nurturing relationships, George and Mildred now require you to turn your attention to marketing and promoting CCF & MB’s business. This requires you to develop, implement, monitor and adjust a Marketing Plan for the business. When doing this, you will […]
Marketers RKB10AB Accounting for HR Practitioners AHP115E Accounting for Marketers ACM115C Business accounting BAC115C Accounting for Personnel Practitioners ACC10AB Maximum marks: 100 marks Examiners: Mr. L Masimong Ms. E Lerata Ms. M Thithi Ms. T Magubane Ms. N Pule Mrs. V Koma Mrs. V Guvuriro Mrs. D Semppe Mr. E de Freitas Moderator: Mrs. C […]
Assessment 2: Case Study-2 Due date: Week 11 Group/individual: Individual Word count / Time provided: 2000 words Weighting: 30% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-3, ULO-4, ULO-5 Course Learning Outcomes: CLO-1, CLO-4, CLO-6, CLO-7, CLO-8 Assessment Details: This assessment is designed to assess students’ technical skills in planning and configuring a computer network. In addition, it develops […]
MLC 703- PRINCIPLES OF INCOME TAX LAW INSTRUCTIONS Please note that the following will not form part of the word count: ? References, including statute and cases; ? Diagrams; ? Tables; ? Calculations. You must complete both parts of the assignment. Please complete both parts of the assignment separately. You should allocate approximately 1500 words […]
ASSESSMENT TASK 2 – PRESENTATION Student ID Student Name This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student competency in this assessment task Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarized from any person […]
MKT00720 – Marketing Session 2, 2020 Assignment 2: Report (on Aldi Australia) Core Information: Due: Due by 11.00pm AEST, Monday 21st September 2020 Weighting: 30% Individual/Group Individual Word limit: 1500-2000 words in total (plus or minus 10%) Aim The purpose of this assignment is to again provide you with an opportunity to apply knowledge, theory, […]