Project: Emerging markets: the case of Turkey Your task is to analyse and evaluate the challenges that Tuerkey was faced with from 2016-2020. There should be a concerted effort to collect and analyze the necessary data for the period 2016-2020. It is understood that you should not hesitate to seek the advise of your Instructor […]
Assignment 3 – Observations on the Paragraphs List all the possible observations that are indicated in chapter 4. Then identify as many observations as you can in your passage: John 5:19-34. Possible Observations: · General to Specific and Specific to General – Find the general statements that are followed by specific examples or applications […]
2/22/22, 3:14 PMRubric Assessment – PSY101CC1 General Psychology I: SS3 (Carrie Garman) SP22 – CCCOnline Page 1 of 2…8819&groupId=0&d2l_body_type=5&closeButton=1&showRubricHeadings=0 Essay Rubric Course: PSY101CC1 General Psychology I: SS3 (Carrie Garman) SP22 Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Evidence Content Critical Thinking Application of Source Material Organization Grammar and Style 30 points Demonstrates strong knowledge […]
Assigned Reading: Thistlewaite and Wooldredge, Part 1, Chapter 5, Deadly Force: What explains the variation in police shootings across departments? pp. 98-105. After reading the article answer the following questions in a discussion posting: You must also comment on two of your classmate’s postings by the end of the week. 1. Do you think the […]
What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains the Week 9 Assignment Template. What is the value of doing this assignment? For the last nine weeks, you’ve been learning how the 10 Skills are an essential part of being successful in the future world of work. In Week 4 Assignment, you began to reflect on your […]
Thurs. 2/24 Image and Text: Editorial Cartoons and Spoof Ads · Look at some examples of recent political editorial cartoons: (Links to an external site.) For context on how to evaluate these, look at the following overview of the techniques used in editorial cartoons. (Similar techniques are used in spoof ads as well): […]
Completion of Professional Development Paper (APA style) 5-8 pages No plagiarism Answer these questions: 1. How will you develop yourself in the field of counseling ( Family and children) 2. What are your values? 3. How may they interfere with or promote your own ethical behavior? 4. What will you do that will deepen your […]
ECE 8550: Assignment 1 1 Linear regression In this section, you will implement linear regression to predict the death rate from several features, including annual precipitation, temperature, population, income, pollution, etc. The data for this assignment is given in file data.txt, which contains the data description, 17 columns (features) and 60 rows (examples). In the […]
When thinking about the association rule, answer the following questions this week. What is the association rule in data mining? Why is the association rule especially important in big data analysis? How does the association rule allow for more advanced data interpretation? Read: ch. 5 in textbook: Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Abdel-Basset, M. […]
Quality of Governmental Financial Reporting Describe the major items required by OMB Circular No. A-136, subject: Financial Reporting Requirements (full Circulars (Links to an external site.) can be accessed at This should include a discussion of the annual Performance and Accountability report and the financial section of the Performance and Accountability Report, both discussed […]