tilize the mental disorder categories from DSM-5 to do an annotated bibliography on current research (within the last five years) on two disorders derived from the following list of mental disorder categories: Neurodevelopmental disorders Neurocognitive disorders Schizophrenia spectrum and other disorders Depressive disorders Bipolar and related disorders Anxiety disorders Trauma- and stressor-related disorders Obsessive-compulsive and […]
Explain the differences between CoBIT and ITIL. Which of these methods do you feel is most appropriate for GGFRT? Thoroughly explain the justification for your choice, which will take some research on your part. A source is necessary for this response. If you would utilize both methods, which would you suggest was focused upon first? […]
Online Assignment for MED 240 Lab Virtual Lab for 4/1/21 Please assess the following case studies that you may encounter in the workplace setting and give me a detailed response to each situation. Please use the MLA format for this paper. Each scenario should include the prompt and a paragraph detailing your response and any […]
Instructions Using reliable Internet sources and/or the CSU Online Library, search for and locate a recent court case or lawsuit related to sexual harassment in the workplace. Then, conduct a case study in which you analyze the case, presenting an argument and applicable evidence about your selected court case or lawsuit. Consider the concepts learned […]
3 paragraph of at least 5 sentences with 2 cited sources not older than 2015. APA style. Community Mental Health You are a school nurse in a middle school when Jacob comes to the nurse’s office requesting medication for a headache. You notice that his eyes are red, and it appears as if he has […]
Risk Management and Business Continuity Complete the readings this week as well as reviewing the IT Strategic Plan, Part 2 assignment and the “IHS Risk Management Guide” (from Week 3 course content) before completing this week’s discussion. This discussion is to help prepare you for the ITSP, Part 2 assignment. The concepts being discussed here […]
Construction Management Assignment 5 Suggested format: Times New Roman 12 points, single spaced, 1” margin all around, APA style for references Note: All assignments will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. The similarity index should not be greater than 35% on the report. You should always provide references at the end. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After successfully […]
This semester, you will write a research paper on a transnational social movement of your choice. Transnational social movements are groups of people who share a similar discourse and who are trying to remedy certain problems by mobilizing support. Transnational movements include the mobilization of people in different countries, and in this they are different […]
Assess and critique the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, in supply chain management. Consider the use of UAVs usage indoors, such as in a warehouse, and outdoors, such as being used for home delivery. In addition to reading your assigned resources for week 2, research online definitions for unmanned aerial […]
Module 5 Assignment: Persuasive Essay (Draft) Assignment Overview:For this assignment, you will create a 5-paragraph Persuasive Essay draft in a Word document. You will use MLA formatting, identify and correct writing errors, and reflect on the writing process. This assignment will allow you to critically consider and argue for community issues from a personal perspective. […]