We are almost half way through the CELTA course and it is admirable that all of us have had such a tremendous growth curve. Personally, I know I have become much more confident about standing in front of a classroom full of students and talking about different aspects of English language. I discovered the very […]
This rich, self-contained film requires little or no additional research on the part of the instructor or the class but can be used as the foundation for independent student research. The film divides neatly into two nearly equal and independent segments that can be shown on successive days or at different points in a unit. […]
Home » Property Types » Retail » Clash of the Titans: Regional Mall REITs Fight for Limited Outlet Development Opportunities Clash of the Titans: Regional Mall REITs Fight for Limited Outlet Development Opportunities May 9, 2012 12:54 PM, By Elaine Misonzhnik, Senior Associate Editor In the fall of 2010 executives with Taubman Centers Inc. , […]
masters level assignment-BROWN COUNTY NATIONAL PARK (building from previous forums and assignments) For this assignment you will create a presentation of your findings. Consider that you were a consultant asked to do this evaluation and now you are presenting your results to the Park staff and local community. If the stats are available for your […]
Add the following to your Action Research Project essay specializing area in Reading literacy. Respond to the following in Part C; Part D; Part E. Using APA style and reference. Part C: Making a Plan : Write ½ page · Describe a strategy, intervention, or some other action that you might implement to address […]
Texting while driving has been one of the trends in society. Teens and adults has had a habit of texting while driving. Texting while driving causes distractions and increases car accidents. Cell phone usage while driving causes fatal accidents leading to several deaths. Fatal road accidents are caused by people using their cellphones while driving. […]
For this assignment, you will select a current research paper (published since 2016) to review. You may select any research paper that is related to Data Science or Big Data Analytics. I strongly recommend that you start your search at Google Scholar (scholar.google.com). Once you enter your search term(s), select the “Since 2016” link […]
“A Sorrowful Woman” & “The Story of an Hour” The sadness and unhappiness displayed by both of the married women in “A Sorrowful Woman” and “The Story of an Hour” shows that marriage does not always bring the typical ending of most fairy tales. Thus being living happily ever after. It is evident that both […]
Enzyme Reaction Rates Under Different Conditions Introduction In this lab you will observe how the rate of a reaction is changed as certain factors are changed. You will observe how changing factors like temperature, pH, substrate concentration, and enzyme concentration changes the rate of an enzymatic reaction. In this experiment you will act as an […]
Micheal Porter argues that measuring the success of corporate diversification by its effect on shareholder value “works only if you compare the shareholder value that is with the shareholder value that might have been without diversification”. 5One could add the even stronger requirement that all other influences would have to be held constants as well. […]