Required Readings Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 4, “Personal Safety” (pp. 41-50) National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter. (2014). Creating a climate of safety. Retrieved from[email protected] Regehr, C., & Glancy, G. D. (2011). When social workers […]
Objective: Utilize Naïve Bayes to predict the flight delay. Given the FlightDelay.csv file, use Naïve Bayesian Analysis model to determine whether the various flights experience delay or arrive at their destination on time. We start by clicking the “install” on your R plot window (as shown below) to type and install the following packages: naivebayes, […]
Writing assignment: Write a well-organized, 2-3 paragraph response to Wallach’s speech. Your response should be typed, double-spaced, and in a reasonable-sized font. This required writing will not be marked with a letter-grade. However, you will receive written comments in response to your paper, and this paper will prepare you for your first formal essay assignment. […]
One of threatening crime these days in the U. S. is terrorism like the 9/11 tragedy and other similar terrorism attacks. The reason is obvious that such attacks turn out to be suddenly happened that scare most people to go into public venues like malls, office buildings, bus or railway stations, and other places of […]
Death by Water Privatization Where do you think all the plastic water bottles you use end up? The fact is, much of the world’s population is undereducated on the problem of water privatization, or the selling of plastic water bottles. There are many causes as well as consequences to this problem. However, there are beginning […]
Executive Summary This five-year marketing plan for Tulip Clothing has been created to secure additional funding for growth and to inform employees of the company’s current status and direction. Although Tulip was launched in the I-JAKE only three years ago, the firm has experienced greater-than-anticipated demand for its products, and research has shown that the […]
HIST 1302 Core Assessment Instructions: Carefully read and analyze the following two documents and write a 700-word essay to answer the following question: Based on the two documents, how has the racial history of the United States shaped racial relations in society today? Having considered these questions, write an essay of at least 700 […]
Comment 1 A research experiment need a research design. The design helps the researcher stay on track. Experimental research design works like an instruction manual that researchers follow during the experimentation process. The design lists how the experiment was conducted to determine its effectiveness and success (Reference, 2018). Experimental designs can be “simple or complex […]
Today, Intel is used in many personal computers and lab-tops. The company has made a brand for itself and has been able to sustain ranks among many notable competitors. Today, Intel holds greater than 80 percent of the microprocessors market because of the success of its Pentium chip (Semiconductor 1). This report contains information pertaining […]
THE ESTIMATING PROBLEM Barbara just received the good news: She was assigned as the project manager for a project that her company won as part of competitive bidding. Whenever a request for proposal (RFP) comes into Barbara’s company, a committee composed mainly of senior managers reviews the RFP. If the decision is made to bid […]