Australia dissertation writers


  Schizophrenia: a)  UNDERSTANDING THE DISEASE/DISORDER i)  Background and/or history (1) Who discovered (2) How was it named (3) Associated disorders- (similar to the disease) (4) Type of Disorder- if it is inherited include Genetics of the disorder ii)  Environmental Effects (1) Transmission or spreading (2) Behavioral risk factors (3) Seasonal or Climate iii)  Demographics […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Descartes Notion of the Mind/Body Problem in Relation to Free Will

Descartes notion of the mind/body problem in relation to Free Will Descartes took an extreme skeptical position by asking, “What is impossible to doubt, even when trying to believe that everything is false? ” His answer was: “I think, therefore I am”; which is Descartes’ most famous one-liner and is the one that explains his […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Science in news

Now that you have been learning about science, you may have noticed news articles or online videos on various scientific topics. Science is all around you. Select a news article on a scientific discovery or achievement. This could be the discovery of a new planet or star, a new medical treatment, new findings concerning climate […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Women and Gender Issues of Americans in Combat

Imagine, as a male, in frontline combat with a female on one side of you, another male on the other side of you. Who would you trust most? A majority of people would trust the male over the female because of a male’s strength and endurance, and that is the trouble. Although it is proven […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Week 8 Political Science 101

 question 1 Discussion 8 (a) 1. Explain the role that interest groups are supposed to play in a democratic society and the benefits they provide for members and society as a whole.  2. Evaluate how well interest groups actually provide these benefits and discuss any disadvantages society suffers as a result of interest group activities. […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

PCI DSS Security standards council

  his assignment will be one of several throughout your program that we use to help you to better understand the research process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a graduate program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you’ll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Analyze the The Kite Runner Essay

Question: Even though countless events occur in the novel, the title refers to kite fighting and kite running. What do these activities represent in the novel and why are they so important? To whom or what does the title, “The Kite Runner,” refer? Kite fighting and kite running represent the fights in the novel and […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Week 2.1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook and the Moynihan (2009) article, The Response to Hurricane Katrina (Links to an external site.). Every organization within the field of criminal justice has a management hierarchy of some sort. Included among the many tasks assigned to managers are budget planning, […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

Why Is Studying Popular Culture Important?

In the following study I will be examining the way that popular culture has affected British public in relation to learning. I will be first examining previous times and the ways in which popular culture has influenced people over time. I will be concentrating on the effects that music and advertising has had and shaped […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023

hmgt 372 assignment

Assignment 3 contains 2 parts: a paper (12 points) and a video report (8 points) For this assignment, students are required to Write a Paper (part 1)-12 points and Create a Video Report (part 2- a separate dropbox below)on an interview with a healthcare professional.  Select a topic from the list below [must be a […]

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Date: September 5th, 2023