Learning Resources Required Readings Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer. Chapter 1, “Frameworks for Becoming a Transformational Leader” (pp. 2–19 ONLY) Chapter 6, “Shaping Your Own Leadership Journey” (pp. 182-211) Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, […]
1 1. Case analysis – paper and presentation 2. Company analysis – paper 1. Case Analysis (15%) Each team is to present analysis of an assigned case related to a chapter. All the cases required in this class are in the folder “Textbook and course-related links&references/cases” and in chapter/module folders on Blackboard. The case analysis […]
1 Deandre Robertson Professor Wright Course: Foundation Writing 22 March 2022 Title of My First Pet When I was 12 years old I always wanted for my 13th birthday. One day I asked my mom if I can have a dog for my birthday she said yes but you have to take care of it. […]
Gender: Week 6 Name: Institution: Course: Professor: Date: Gender: Week 6 In contemporary society, discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation is forbidden by law in the United States. In the article,” US Supreme Court ruling ‘extremely positive’ for LGBT community,” application of equality in human rights is highly advocated for, especially for lesbians, […]
17 and Pregnant Student’s Name Course Institution Professor Date 17 and Pregnant The scariest things in life always give one a wonderful experience. Being pregnant at 17 was a nightmare. So many questions and decisions crossed my mind the day I discovered my pregnancy. Should I tell Kay, my boyfriend, my parents, what about my […]
PSYCHOLOGY By (Agnes Fallah Kamara) Institution: Course: Professor: Date: JOB APPLICATION LETTER Agnes Fallah Kamara 123 Main S.T P.O. BOX, 45623 Staten Island NY 8564 U.S.A. 5th July 2021. To, Dr. Alex Gasasira, Head of WHO Country Office, 82 – 86 Enterprise road, cnr Glenara avenue Highlands P.O. Box CY 348 Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Dear […]
CREATIVE JOURNEY ASSIGNMENT (30% of total Grade; 25% Written, 5% Presentation) INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER: The Purpose: • The purpose of the Disruptive Innovation Project is about the state of the world and industry, and how it will impact your career. The Role Model assignment is about learning from an established professional and networking. The Creative […]
Leadership written Assignment You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client’s demise may be related to the actions of a nurse […]
Wk 6 – Summative Assessment: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Plan Most counselors will encounter a client expressing suicidal ideations at some point in their career. A counselor’s ability to recognize and address suicidality can be a life-saving skill. When the risk of suicide is identified, counselors should work to develop a therapeutic relationship with […]