Topic: Financial Planning and Forecasting Financial Statements Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, […][removed]474d327339e4bc7989fef01f832bbe[removed]98 Heres the book click GET to download Read chapter 16 and 17 PART 1 We will look at several of the options within the juvenile corrections system, which are usually divided into a treatment based or punitive corrections-based model. We will attempt to determine the better form of rehabilitation: treatment corrections-based models or more […]
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me study. ***Make a comment in APA*** Evidence based practice is the implementation of interventions that have been studies and proven to work in the clinical settings. Translational research is defined by Weiss, E., Bobay, L., Johantgen, M., and Shirey, R. (2018) as […]
During this unit, we have focused on underrepresented groups and how to effectively recruit and retain individuals from these groups. For this assignment, you will create company guidelines for the recruitment and retention of individuals from underrepresented groups. This assignment will allow you to research how to effectively change and update the practices that need […]
please explore the O*NET OnLine Criminal Justice (Links to an external site.) career database, learn more about knowledge and skills for various career choices that interest you,(I AM INTERESTED IN CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES) and provide information about your professional goals of working with child protective services and adoption agencies Share any insights into your professional goals that you gained from your search of the database.
Finally, before doing any of the reading for this week, how would you define social justice? How would you define criminal justice? What is one current issue in criminal justice? 100 word minimum for post please explore the O*NET OnLine Criminal Justice (Links to an external site.) career database, learn more about knowledge and […]
You need to create a political party. Info on your party should include -your party’s name -a good description of your own party’s platform (list of things they want to get done). Your platform should include AT LEAST four agenda items -a list of the people who would likely support your party. Some examples are: […]
Please go to the following web address: Please sign in with the following information: Username: Password: Addie!0823 Click on M120/HSC1531 Section 02 Medical Terminology (5.5 Weeks) – Online Plus – 2021 Spring Quarter Term 1, then click on Module 02 – Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems, and then click on Module 02 Quiz and […]
science You are the new health and safety associate director at a hazardous waste company. Your company aims to purchase land for a waste facility. To obtain state government approval for the land use you must submit an executive summary. Your summary must brief local businesses and government leaders on your proposed land purchase and […]
7TH EDITION APA FORMAT AND 500-600 WORDS A psychologist is interested in predicting a wife’s education level (wifeduc, dependent variable) based upon the husband’s education level (husbeduc, independent variable). Create a model of the relationship using a linear regression equation for predicting the wife’s education level from the husband’s education using the appropriate variables in […]
For this week’s discussion, you will be doing a bit of research to examine the evidence for and against the modern earth being in the middle of the sixth mass extinction. Remember, a mass extinction event occurs when there is a widespread and relatively rapid loss of species, or higher-level organisms, on the earth. Approximately […]