Assessment task assignment help

Define negotiation as it applies to patient education

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Define negotiation as it applies to patient education. Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education. List the pros and cons of negotiation. Describe the general conditions that […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Most critical parts of being a nurse practitioner

Reaspond to the following disccusion post below by either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each. Use APA format. Responds to a student peer and course faculty furthering the dialogue by providing more information and clarification, adding depth to the conversation using the response below: I’ve learned the most critical parts of being a […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022


Concept: Delegation Case Study: You are working the night shift on a medical unit and have been assigned charge nurse responsibilities. You are working with four RNs, one LPN, and two UAPs. A client becomes pulseless and is not breathing, and the nurse assigned to the client’s care calls a code. The nurse is occupied […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Thorax, lungs, breasts, and axillae

This week our assessment focus progresses to the thorax, lungs, breasts, and axillae. Share with the class your preferred method of learning and understanding these complex assessment areas and Share any links to outside resources that you have found helpful. Next, create a challenge question for your classmates to see if they can respond based […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Implementing a sleep protocol

My evidence-based practice topic is “Implementing a sleep protocol” with a PICO: In hospitalization geriatric patients how does implementing a sleep protocol compared with not having a sleep protocol affect hospital acquired delirium. Please use the Draft of Matrix articles when completing this assignment.

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Future of Nursing IOM Report

Instructions Choose one of the chapters from the Future of Nursing IOM Report (2020-2030)Links to an external site. to focus on for this activity. Then, write a 1- to 2-page paper that includes the following: A summary of the chapter A review of the IOM recommendation Your personal interpretation of how this will positively impact […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

In this discussion, you’ll be critically thinking about a research study with different groups of students as the subjects. You’ll use your thinking, textbook, and other resources to answer this discussion question. You’ll learn about research designs and sampling techniques. Put your thinking caps on! Sample study: The research study you are interested in conducting […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

57 year old hispanic male with hypertension and diabetes

For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and use the following acronym: S =Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC). O =Objective data: Including client behavior, physical assessment, vital signs, and meds. A =Assessment: Diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Include differential diagnosis. P =Plan: Treatment, diagnostic […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022


ASSIGNMENT Fall 2014 PROGECT MANAGEMENT Course Code: BUS-1037 September 6 – December 17, 2022 Due Date: —————-, 2022 Assignment Value: 20% Assignment: Team Assignment. Split into groups of 3-4 people. Choose one of the suggested topics (attached). Use your knowledge from the class “Project Management”, sample templates and project charter examples, create a project charter […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

A 50-year-old woman presents

A 50-year-old woman presents to the office with complaints of excessive fatigue and shortness of breath after activity, which is abnormal for her. The woman has a history of congestive heart failure with decreased kidney function within the last year. The woman appears unusually tired and slightly pale. Additional history and examination rules out worsening […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022