HI5019 Unit Title Strategic Information Systems for Business and Enterprise Assessment Type Group assignment Assessment Title Case Study – Gracious Industries Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to: • Appreciate the purpose of computer controls and auditing in digital economy (ULO 6) • Describe the processes use in the development of […]
MRKT20052 Assessment 2: Marketing Plan Weight: 40% Word limit: 2,500 words Week due: Week 9 Due date and time: 20th September (Friday) 11:55PM AEST Students are required to choose ONE of four businesses/products. This assessment requires students to work individually on their selected business/product to create a comprehensive strategic marketing plan with a maximum word […]
NURS3002 Inquiry for Complex Care Semester 2 2019 Assessment One Due Wednesday 18th September 2019 by 2359hrs (WST) via Turnitin This assessment (1000 words) requires you to identify pertinent legislation and ethical issues using the attached case study. You are required to integrate theory, demonstrate analysis using evidence and include other pertinent literature to support […]
MAN203 Subject Name: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Develop a Proposal that captures the development and implementation of a logistics and supply chain structure for a new or expanding enterprise Weighting: 40% (10% for each part) Total Marks: 100 (each part) Due Date: Four (4) staged submissions from Weeks 10-13. […]
Essay : Reflective essay (60%) Word count: 2000 words. This unit provides students with a foundational understanding of culture and its implications for health care. Topics such as culture, self and diversity, understanding and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, cross cultural health and wellness and migrant health issues will be explored throughout the […]
CNC:MH – 92446 Assessment 2: Collaborative Mental Health Nursing Practice (Weight 50%) Marking Criteria 1. Introduction (Total 10 marks) • Introduce the topic: collaborative mental health nursing practice with healthcare consumers who have experienced a mental disorder. • Define key terms. • Outline the purpose of the assignment. 2. Discussion (Total 30 marks) • Written […]
ITECH2300 Mobile Network & Wireless Communication Assignment 2 – Semester 2 2019 Submission Guidelines ? Deadline: Sunday 29 September, 2019 (11:55pm midnight on Moodle) ? Submission format: PDF only. You can use any freely available pdf converter to make pdf file from editable one. ? Submission platform: upload via Moodle on course website ? Files […]
In submitting this work electronically I also confirm that this is my own original work (unless otherwise acknowledged). Assessment Event 1 of 3 Written task – short answer questions Instructions 1. You will need to complete the following questions for Assessment Event 1. 2. Commence a Professional Portfolio and ‘Turn in’ via the Google Classroom […]
CIVL3431[6431*] – Land Surface Processes and Management Assignment 2 – Hydrologic Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis 30 % [24%*] Due: 25th September Friday 5 pm This assignment uses a simple lumped rainfall-runoff model, consisting of two storage ‘buckets’ (see Fig 1). Model description: Figure 1: Bucket Model Figure 2: Change of Runco The upper storage represents […]
IT133-5: Analyze appropriate software application(s) to address solutions within a specific discipline. You will need to download the following document from Course Resources> Course Documents and save the file for this Assignment: I have attached the two documents listed below. APA_Data_File.docx APA_Text_File APA Style Formatting Scenario: You are working for a publishing company and your […]