For this assignment, you will need to consider the types of accountability you are encountering (or expect to encounter, or have encountered) within the organization in which you work and critically analyze some of the challenges or problems associated with this accountability. Focus on political accountability as it pertains to police departments. For Paper 1: […]
HA3011 Advanced Financial Accounting Assignment T2 2019 Weighting: 20% Number of Words 2500 Due on Friday of Week 10 Assignments’ Instructions and Requirements From the top two hundred companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) download the 2017-2018 annual report and perform the followings: Required: 1- From the annual report of your selected company […]
Assignment Three: Group Report and presentation (Group size 4) Due date: 6th October, 2019 – 11.55 PM – Group report & submission of presentation documents via Canvas. Commencing Week 9- Group presentations (in-class) Length: 2000 word written report (Word count excludes executive summary and appendices), and around 15 power point slides for presentation. Worth: 35% […]
Assessment Title Group business model, plan and pitch ________________________________________ Task Description This is a group assignment that requires you to write a report of 2000 words +/- 10% and develop and deliver a 10 minute pitch about your social or commercial enterprise. Purpose This assessment task provides your group the opportunity to enhance your research, […]
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH 1103 Group Report Semester 2 2019 Page 1 of 4 ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 2, 2019 Weight – 20% Due Date: Analytic Report -Due Week 11 Sunday 23:59 HRS Analytic Report: Learning Outcomes Assessed: A3, K3, K6, and S2: Purpose: The purpose of this task […]
School of Business and Tourism Unit Computer Networks Unit code CSC81001 Assignment 2 Network Management and Design Mode Individual assignment Due Date 23 Sep 2019 12:00 AM Learning Outcomes LO3, LO4, LO5 Graduate Attributes GA1, GA4 Weight 25% of overall unit assessment Suggestion This assignment is developmental and cumulative. You are strongly advised to start […]
Adelaide Brighton Limited Carry out a research on Adelaide Brighton Limited and write a total of 1000 words for its Assets (PPE and Intangibles) and Leases. Complete this task by Thursday 19th 12:00 noon Specific Assignment Instructions 1. Assets – PPE and Intangibles • Analyse the carrying amount of each class of Property, Plant, and […]
• Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency. • Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation. The Assignment: (9- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation) Develop a 9- to 10-slide Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following: • Describe the […]
HSY315: HISTORY OF WAR Assessment Item 1: Essay Length: 1,000 words (+/- 10%; excluding notes and bibliography) Due date: 5pm, Friday, week 5 Questions: 1. ‘War and atrocity are inseparable.’ Discuss using historical example(s) or a case study. 2. ‘War is gendered, and women are its victims.’ Discuss using historical example(s) or a case study. […]
Give a brief description of the case and what you have discovered about it? Do you believe that there is a mental disorder that the alleged perpetrators meet criteria for? If so give evidence to support this by stating the diagnostic criteria from the DSM 5 and how they meet the criteria. If you do […]