BSN Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Due Thursday Defining the needs of a vulnerable population is key to providing the best care. Research 3 rural populations in your state. Respond to the […]
References Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Anderson, R., Dimmer, E., Miner, R., Suchan, T., & Rod, E. (2020). Evidence-Based Practice Change Champion Program improves quality care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(3), 128–134. Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice in nursing & healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Lippincott Williams & […]
Pagana: Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 6th Edition Adolescent With Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Case Studies The patient, a 16-year-old high-school football player, was brought to the emergency room in a coma. His mother said that during the past month he had lost 12 pounds and experienced excessive thirst associated with voluminous urination that […]
SOAP Note Genitourinary: urinary tract infection Requirement: APA format Intext citation References at least 4 high-level scholarly reference per post within the last 5 years in APA format. EACH differential diagnostic gets 1 reference and the Treatment Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt. ID: Client’s Initials*Age__76___ Race________Gender__Male__________Date of Birth___________ Insurance _______________ Marital Status_____________ Subjective: CC: “low back […]
Community Acquired Pneumonia Discussion Topic: Soap Note Requirements – The discussion must address the topic – Rationale must be provided mainly in the differential diagnosis – Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words) – May use examples from your nursing practice – Formatted and cited in current […]
Chapter 4 Post: Emotional Development In chapter 4, please read over the sections on emotional development. Understanding that adolescents tend to experience more extreme emotions highlights the importance of supportive socialization practices to help with emotion regulation. Learning how to control emotions is a key aspect of adolescence and is important for social competence. As […]
As opioid use remains a public health emergency, compose a response to the issues of the over prescribing of opiates for medical management of pain, public policy, and treatment. Make use of the resources presented after reading the chapter and respond in an APA format with references to support your position Opioid Over-Prescribing: A Public […]
Soap Note 1 “ADULT” Wellness check up (10 points) Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide: Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program) Turn it in’ s Score must be less than 10% or will not […]
Soap Note 1 “ADULT” Wellness check up (10 points) Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide: Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program) Turn it in’ s Score must be less than 10% or will not […]
Preceptor/Clinical Site: Clinical Instructor: Patricio Bidart MSN, APRN, FNP-C Soap Note # ____ Main Diagnosis: Z00.01-Annual Wellness Check-up PATIENT INFORMATION Name: S.N. Age: 55 yrs Gender at Birth: Male Gender Identity: Male Source: Patient Allergies: No known food, environmental, or drug allergies. Current Medications: Not currently taking any medications or herbal supplements. PMH: No history […]