Alcohol is one of the most controversial forms of addiction because of the myths, accessibility, medical conditions that are associated with the use. Based on what you have learned about alcohol in this chapter, what do you find the most challenging aspect in regard to treatment. Be specific in your response with examples and at […]
Explain the neurology of this eating or feeding disorder (Anorexia Nervosa). Does the characterization of this eating or feeding disorder as a mental illness surprise you? What are your thoughts on the personal and/or cultural implications of classifying an eating or feeding disorder in this way, as opposed to a lifestyle choice or a matter […]
In 250-280 words, give a synopsis of the current level of practice and practice climate for APRNs in your state of licensure. Incorporate what you have learned from the Buppert readings, and from investigating your state BRN website. If yours is a full practice state, discuss how your state adopted full practice authority (FPA). If […]
Purpose Bibliotherapy with children can facilitate understanding and support therapeutic goals. The purpose of this activity is to identify a book to target a therapeutic goal while considering development and cultural considerations. Task Choose a children’s book you might use in therapy. This assignment will have two parts a) a 1-2-page paper (see below for […]
Fentanyl is arguably one of the most dangerous drugs ever created. It is 50-100 times more powerful than morphine (Fentanyl)). China is still one of the primary sources of fentanyl and it comes through Mexico and across our porous borders (Fentanyl Flow to the United States. ). Drug manufacturers and traffickers are known to lace […]
Review the Focused SOAP Note template, which you will use to complete . There is also a Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided as a guide for this case expectations. Review the video, Case Study: Sherman Tremaine. You will use this case as the basis of this Assignment. In this video, a Walden faculty member is […]
Lesson Planning for English Language Learners: Integrating Cultural Values and Beliefs Introduction Lesson planning for English language learners (ELLs) is a crucial aspect of educators’ responsibilities, aiming to align the English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards and content standards in diverse classrooms. Effective lesson plans encompass the integration of language instruction and practice across various content […]
Pharmacological Treatment For Addiction. Research pharmacological treatment for addiction. Look up scholarly journal articles on the topic, and review these two resources. These are a little older but relevant to the history of addiction treatment. Written component: Identify the symptoms of use (this is different from DSM criteria – think more about […]
Read and review “He Speaks Not, Yet He Says Everything; What of That?: Text, Context, and Pretext in State v. Jeffrey Dahmer.” In a 750-1,000-word paper, do the following: 1. Analyze how the theories of psychopathology could explain the behavior of Jeffrey Dahmer. 2. Examine whether psychopathology could provide any aid to persons such as […]
Annotated Bibliography. The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to a psychological skills topic of your choice. You are required to select a topic relevant to Applied Sport and Performance Psychology and obtain 3 articles or resources that are directly related to that topic. For each article, you will write an article summary […]