Jason R. and Jenni L. Dane are married and live at 13071 Sterling Drive, Marquette, MI 49866. Jason is a self-employed insurance claims adjuster (business activity code 524290), and Jenni is the dietitian for the local school district. They choose to file a joint tax return each year. On January 2, 2018, Jason paid $31,000 […]
Unit ACC3005 The Accounting Research Project Assessment Type Research project Assessment Number 1 Assessment Weighting Developing research proposal 20% Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcome Graduate Attributes Assessed ULO 1: Critically analyse and apply theoretical and technical accounting knowledge. ULO 2: Examine and critique regulatory and sustainability issues relevant to accounting practices including […]
This week, you will evaluate the effectiveness of your leadership style when applied to problem-solving or a change opportunity. Bear in mind that this may have been your initial attempt to lead a team in a problem-solving scenario, or a change opportunity mode. Do not be hard on yourself! Even with all that you have […]
In recent years, the advancement in technology has led some to argue that these technologies may help in improving audit quality. For Former Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) chairman Greg Medcraft, “audit quality has been a concern for a number of years now”. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insights-kpmg/2019/03/04/how-advanced-technologies-may-improve-audit-quality/#511282375632 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-06/audit-firm-failures-could-spark-enron-style-collapse-medcraft/11388164 https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/asic-to-name-and-shame-big-four-consulting-firms-over-audit-quality-20190806-p52efr https://www.pwc.com.au/press-room/2019/pwc-releases-balanced-scorecard.html Required: Discuss the issues raised over audit […]
Question 01 The basic scientific management approach is to develop standard methods for doing each job, through selection, training and support of workers and providing wage incentives. Discuss how this translates in to modern organisational settings. What implications could this approach have on the modern workforce? Question 02 Weber subscribed to a type of organisation […]
Assessment tasks FNSACC312 ASSESSMENT 1 – PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION STUDENT INFORMATION This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements PART – A You work for Bobs Furniture Pty Ltd – a small business that buys and sells goods on credit. Debtors are encouraged to settle their accounts quickly by the […]
HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice and Law Individual Assignment T2.2019 1 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2019 Unit Code HI6028 Unit Title Taxation Theory, Practice & Law Assessment Type Assignment Assessment Title Individual Assignment Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to follow the instructions by your lecturer to confirm any […]
Cookie Creations 3 Cookie Creations Continuing Problem 3 (Note: This is a continuation of the Cookie Creations from Chapters 1 and 2.) CC3 In November 2020, after having incorporated Cookie Creations Inc., Natalie begins operations. She has decided not to pursue the offer to supply cookies to Biscuits. Instead, she will focus on offering cooking […]
MBS546 BUSINESS FINANCE Group Assignment CASH FLOW ANALYSIS AND VALUATION OF SECURITY AMP Limited Second Semester, 2019 Assignment submission summary Component Worth Due date Group Assignment 20% Tuesday, 8 th Oct 2019 *Group Evaluation Tuesday, 8 th Oct 2019 * A photocopy is to be submitted. The original is for your use and should be […]
Needs Assessment Submit a 1- to 2-page paper expanding on and justifying the potential program you identified in this week’s Discussion. Include: • A brief description of the program to be developed • Criteria for inclusion in the program (which clients and why) • Justification for the proposed program. What two best methods would you […]