4/4/2021 Readings https://digital.wwnorton.com/ebooks/epub/doingethics5/EPUB/content/chapter_08-05.xhtml 1/9 Feminist Ethics ALISON M. JAGGAR Feminist approaches to ethics, often known collectively as feminist ethics, are distinguished by an explicit commitment to correcting male biases they perceive in traditional ethics, biases that may be manifest in rationalizations of women’s subordination, or in disregard for, or disparagement of, women’s moral experience. Feminist […]
Graduate Level Writing Required. Background: As a member of the local law enforcement agency you have been selected to present at a town hall meeting. The town hall meeting takes place in a community of 220,000 residents. The community has a small college, large teaching hospital, and three large public high schools. The community has requested more information […]
Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the impact of victimization within this population. Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that may present in this population. Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to the assessment and evaluation of victims in this […]
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service This essay will evaluate the current social policy responses to the social issue of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a multi-faceted issue affecting the perpetrator, the survivor and their families. This means that many agencies may need to be involved. Domestic violence is prevalent within all strata of […]
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service Critically analyse the assertion that; Young people are framed as perpetrators, but rarely considered as victims, and it is the latter that is needed. tABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction The twentieth anniversary of James Bulger’s death was observed on 12th February 2013. The kidnapping from a shopping mall in […]
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service A role is a position and the expectations that position involves. A function is the actions and tasks involved with a role. There are many different types of roles that police officers perform in the community every day. Some of these roles are crime prevention, law enforcement, maintaining […]
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service Sexual Assault Abstract Sexual assault is any sexual activity to which you haven’t freely given your consent. This includes completed or attempted sex acts that are against your will. Sometimes it can involve a victim who is unable to consent. It also includes abusive sexual contact. It can […]