Billions spent to fix VA didn’t solve problems, made some issues worse. 1. Critique the quality as this article states, Money isn’t an issue. What do you think is the problem? • Must address the topic • Discussion question with a minimum of 200 words minimum and 400 words maximum. . The paper must […]
MODULE 2 DQ1 Do you believe the statement “perception is reality”? Why or why not? DQ2 There are two parts to this discussion response: Part I: Critique the two presentations attached within this discussion question. What do you think is done well in each and what do you think could have been done better? Consider […]
discuss: Qualitative and quantitative research both provide essential information in nursing and evidence-based practice. Quantitative research is scientific, objective, and expressed in numbers, while qualitative is more subjective and descriptive. Qualitative research describes how patients feel and what is observed. Qualitative research provides a form of “truth” and proof that answers certain questions (Mateo, 2013). […]
MODULE 3 DQ1 List three to five of the most significant decisions you have made in your lifetime. To what degree did your emotions play a role in those decisions? DQ2 Assessment Description What is “emotional intelligence” (EQ)? How does it compare to IQ? How can your EQ help you? Is one (EQ or IQ) […]
As if your own job in the central office is not burdensome enough, the Director of Public Relations has a new task for you. She plans to prepare a lengthy article for the local newspapers in which she will defend certain approaches being used in the district. Because you are familiar with all of them, […]
Start by exploring the following links to do some research Next, in the sharing forum post a thread discussing Screening Tools and Assessment. You may use the following talking points to guide your discussion: As you did your research, what are the key differences between developmental screening, and assessment (which includes developmental monitoring […]
For this assignment, you can choose to either create a PowerPoint presentation or write a report depicting your analysis of historical crime data for a specific category of crime or criminal issue. Focus your research on one component of the criminal justice system (i.e., law enforcement, courts, or corrections). The data and charts you develop […]
Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods is Bad for Your Health. Cardiologist David Weiland wonders why Gwai, a relatively young patient with no history of smoking, family heart disease, or other typical behavioral or genetic risk factors ended up having a heart attack. How does the film answer his question? Please include specific facts and examples […]
Need Brainstorming ideas Imagine you are the owner of a small company and you are developing an Ethics Training Workshop with your employees. Address the following: What is your company and what are your primary concerns in terms of unethical employee actions in your line of work? Develop an ethical dilemma that you would like […]
This is a powerpoint assignment In this section of the assessment, you will research and report on assessment questionnaires/tools that can be used to assess the development of 4 to 5 year old children. You will research the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, which can be found at and two additional questionnaires, developmental checklists, or […]