Posted: February 24th, 2022
Synthesis Blog #2
Your textbook begins to address the influence of the Affordable Care Act on long term care services and reimbursement in chapter 9; specifically by way of how payments have been bundled, thereby encouraging higher levels of health-system-integration between LTCs and larger healthcare organizations and networks. However, beyond that, the impact of the ACA on the long term care health industry sector is described as unclear. The impact on consumer choice–as influenced by regulation, financing, and politics–along with the move toward Medicaid managed care, are highlighted as areas of concern, but with little detail and insight.
Today, we are in a time of even greater uncertainty given some current legislative interest – albeit somewhat diminished following an unsuccessful attempt in late 2017 – to further revise broad-sweeping health policy at the federal level… for instance, passing a new bill that would effectively replace the ACA. Details on the new provisions are often sparse and described in partisan terms, and are actively in fluid negotiations.
For Synthesis Blog #2, your charge is to hunt for TWO sources that outline how any new Health Care Act legislation could impact long term care services. Provide hyperlinks to the digital sources, and summarize their main take-aways. Finally, as this is a blog again ;), provide your insights and perspective on the potential changes (i.e. your opinion) and what you think it ultimately means for the LTC sector and patients today and for the future.